Chapter forty three

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Chapter 43

The same day, Luke gets up not being himself lately either. He knew today he was going over his own parent's house and had to put on a brave face like everything was great. As he sits in bed he just wonders how Alana is doing, and hoping she is doing better than him with this.

He gets up and dressed, Whitney doing the same. She really didn't want to go but was doing it for him. She hated going to his parent's house, she wasn't very happy with his mother. She would have loved to go to her own mothers for the holiday but she was on a cruise with her new man.

They both get ready and head out the door, taking the ride to his parent's house which wasn't that far away. When they get there, his mother and father are in the kitchen getting everything ready. Daniel and Macy were not ones to play that everything was ok. You could see they didn't really like each other, just stayed because.

Daniel was a tall man, with brown curly hair and brown eyes like his son, he kept himself in excellent condition, so he could attract the ladies.

Macy was a very pretty woman, with long brown hair and hazel eyes, her shape was nice and curvy. She didn't care what Daniel did as she did her own thing and has for many years.

Luke and Whitney walk in getting a glass of wine, and a beer. Luke seeing that his friend Brad also came to dinner with his wife Linda. He was glad to see them, that way he wasn't alone with his wife and parents, and Whitney would have Linda to talk to. It would hopefully make things go smoothly.

Luke heads to the living room, watching the game, with Brad. Who just knows something is up, he has seen it for months while working with him. He just sees that today Luke is off his game even more.

"What's up with the girlfriend. You seem lost and confused." Brad laughs.

"Nothing, she is still hanging in there even after I didn't talk to her for a week. I couldn't help but answer a few messages and even some emails. I feel terrible and I miss her more than I thought I would. To be honest I am miserable." Luke confesses.

"I kind of figured that you have been for weeks. Your just not yourself, you can't go on like this, it makes no sense. If you like her that much, you need to meet her in person. Get it out of your system. You may be pinning over a woman you may not even like in person. Right now it's all in your head. Once you see her in person As I told you before, it will either make or break it. If it breaks it, then you come home and laugh about it and move on." Brad states.

"And what if it's not like that? What if the chemistry is there in person just as bad? How about feelings grow even more than they are now? How about if I Can't keep my hands off her and do something I will regret?" Luke asks.

"Jesus man, you do overthink shit, don't you? Take it one step at a time. You need to really just set her free or meet her. You need to stop fucking around its been like eight months of this shit. I thought by now it would be or over or you two would have fucked. It's getting old." Brad replies.

"It's easy for you to say. I just don't want to hurt either of them." Luke responds.

"Either way one is going to get hurt. Well only if you let the wife find out, and I know you're smarter than that. You said the woman lives forty-five minutes away, that's great. She is nowhere near here, you don't run in the same circles. Plus just going for coffee or whatever the first time means nothing. You have both of you doing it over the cafe table." Brad laughs.

"You don't know how the chemistry is," Luke says looking at Brad.

"Your both adults, if you don't want something to happen it won't. Damn you never been like this before, I mean you had your overthinking shit, but this is the pits. You got to let go, maybe getting laid would help you out some." Brad answers.

"Whitney and I had sex last month, it was awesome just I didn't see her, I saw Alana. I did everything I wanted to her just in my wife's body. I couldn't stop myself. Whitney noticed it and I started staying away." Luke admits.

"Oh shit, this one does have your by the balls, doesn't she? Maybe it would be good to get it out of your system otherwise your always going to think you're missing out. If your wife would do it more often that would probably help you out too." Brad comments.

"She isn't going to do anything. She never came near me again and the sex was awesome. I been alone again and now not even having Alana to talk to. In so many ways, that's not fair. This whole shit isn't fair." Luke spats.

"Then do something about it, and stop being a pussy." Brad eggs on.

"Your right, and I will." Luke answers.

The rest of the day goes well, no fights or anything inappropriate. Which Luke had to say was a good thing, he hated going over his parent's house and it breaking out in a fight over something. It was a holiday, it should be nice. Plus at the moment he wasn't into any of that.

He was going to do what Brat said, see what this would be like. Playing it this way wasn't working anymore, only making him miserable. He needed to know if this was real, or just all in his head.

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