Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

One night Luke comes home from work seeing Whitney in the kitchen home early making dinner for them both. He is a bit taken back seeing she is home early. He knew how much her work meant to her, but he sees lately she is honestly trying to be around him more, and make this marriage work.

"Hey, your home early, "Luke says.

"Yes, I thought I would try to come home a bit early lately. I know your always upset that I am not around. I see you spend some time away from the house when I am. With your working out and such." Whitney states.

"Yea, there isn't much to do here when you're not around. I have been telling you this for years now, why all the sudden change?" Luke asks.

"We are getting older now, I think we should settle down more. I know you always meant well, and I put work before us. I am sorry about that. You know how much my career means to me, but our marriage means the same. I see you are pulling away at times lately and I don't want to lose you." Whitney admits.

Luke just looks at her, not believing what he is hearing. He wanted this for so long, always hoping she would change her mind, let him in. Just now he happened to also be in love with someone else. Someone he had so much more with, he just takes a seat at the table, not knowing what to say or even feel.

"You do still want that don't you Luke?" Whitney asks.

"Yes, of course. I just never thought I would hear it from you. I pretty much put it out of my mind. I felt you were never really going to come around the way I wanted you to. I don't want you to do this just for a few weeks Whitney, I want this all the time." Luke answers.

"I know, and I am ready to give you what you want. Maybe even try for a child? Make this marriage a real one." Whitney says.

"A child? You never wanted children before. We talked about it years ago you said no." Luke replies in amazement.

"We were younger then, there was no rush. We are getting older, if we want them we should start." Whitney states.

"I think we should just start with us being together and rebuilding our relationship before anything else. " Luke responds.

"That is fair, lets enjoy dinner, then watch some tv together and maybe even have a little fun later on," Whitney suggests.

Luke just sits at the table, still not sure what is happening. They haven't had sex for the longest time. She never wanted to, it was always she was too tired or busy.

This was now even more complicated and made him feel worse. They sit there and eat their dinner, having a nice discussion, then wash the dishes together. Just like old times before her busy career and before Alana. They go into the living room taking a seat on the sofa, Whitney cuddling up close to him, which she hasn't done in years. He sees her getting closer to him, and rubbing his chest. Even making advances for sex as she sits there and starts rubbing in between his legs.

Whitney kisses him on his lips and slides his shirt over his head, then undoing his pants. She sits on top of him, and rides him hard and fast, taking full control of the moment. Luke removes her top caressing her breasts and helping her move up and down on top of him. Their bodies smacking into each other, as they go faster and harder. It takes no time for them both to release themselves.

She kisses him again on his lips as she slides off of him, getting up to take her shower. Leaving Luke on the sofa to think about what just took place. He was happy that she wanted him, it was what he wanted this whole time. Just if he was honest with himself, the sex wasn't anything like he had with Alana. It was good, but the passion and desire weren't there, but he still loved Whitney very much. He was now even more torn than before.

He sits there cleaning himself up, thinking to himself what does he do now? Does he make this work with his wife the way he always wanted or let go? He always said he wouldn't let go, he wanted this marriage, he wanted his wife. His feelings for Alana are strong, he knows that is his true love, the one he wishes he would have found so many years ago, before Whitney, before Thomas. If only they could have shared all these years together instead, but life didn't give them that, it gave them other partners in life, other responsibilities. 

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