Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

A few more months go by, Luke and Alana getting even closer with sharing everything. The sex hotter than ever, and they can't even touch each other. They now talk on the phone, calling each other, having phone sex, and video chats when they can. Both their feelings growing, just still no talk about meeting in person.

Alana so far has been patient with not meeting, if she was at all honest, she was scared about it herself. She wasn't sure where things would lead if she would get hurt. At the same time, her want and desire for him were taking over her whole being.

Luke felt the same, he wanted her and badly. He couldn't get her out of his head. He was just being careful and making sure they both wanted this before acting in person. Once they would, there wouldn't be any take-backs. Plus they both could lose everything over some hot sex. He wasn't sure what to do.

Thomas has tried to be nicer, and closer to Alana, he just sees sex isn't on the table anymore. He sees she has no interest in that with him. She went back to going every Sunday to his mother and father's house to keep the peace, going back to what it used to be, just sleeping in different rooms. She knew she had to keep things looking normal and before she wasn't. The only thing now was she was totally over being intimate with Thomas.

It was already October, Thomas figured it has been a while, she should be cooled down by now, she was being nice and cordial. When he would go away for work now, there were times she didn't even ask when he was coming back. There was no more, begging, to be close, wanting him not to leave, caring that his job took over his life. He had to admit he missed it. He has been keeping his eye open these last few months trying to see if she has anyone else. He notices she comes home from work, eats dinner with them, and heads to bed. There was no sign of a real-life affair. Which has calmed Thomas down a lot also. He just feels now, that his words and actions from before, is what caused all this. He does still wonder if she just let the sex and romance that she wanted so badly go. If she did, he got what he asked for, not exactly how he asked for it. He missed her sleeping next to him, he missed touching her. He just knew there was no sense in bringing it up. It always got him nowhere.

For Luke's wife, she noticed and new nothing. She was still busy with her own life, to even notice anything different with his. She still wasn't giving him the attention he wanted and needed. Wrapped up with her own wants and needs. She worked long hours, coming home, eating dinner with him, when she could. Spending time on the weekends, so she didn't hear him complain. Just now he wasn't complaining as he did before, he had someone to spend time with when she wasn't around. He wasn't completely alone, like before. Just he had to admit, he did like his alone time, he has gotten used to it, being able to come and go as he pleased. Spending a lot of nights doing what he wanted to. There were times, it was as if, he wasn't even married.

The more and more time he spends with Alana, he enjoyed it though. He still had his time alone since she was married and had to do her own thing at times. So that didn't change much. The only thing that was a problem, was his sexual desire, was at its peak. He needed to let it out, and his wife rarely had sex with him. He wasn't really having sex with Alana in person, so he was having a lot of it alone. Alana kept things hot, with different ways. They seemed very compatible with their wants. It was just getting hard for Luke to hold in his at the moment. She made him feel like a horny teenage boy.

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