Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Alana starts walking home, feeling amazement, never thinking it would or could be like this. He just left and she missed him so much. She texts him right there and then.

"Be be safe on your ride home. I miss you already, I don't even know where these feelings are coming from." Alana admits.

"I will let you know I am home safe. I know what you mean, I feel the same. Tonight was wonderful. Let me know you got home safe as well, it's dark and I don't like you walking alone. I just knew I couldn't take you home, which kind of sucks." Luke states.

"I will, I am almost there. I already can't wait until next week. I still feel your lips on mine." Alana answers.

"I still feel everything, do you know how bad I wanted to take you right there? It took everything I had to behave myself, Missy." Luke admits.

"I want you too, I guess we kept our word and behaved on our first meeting. I still want you to make sure you're ok with this. I don't want you to regret it, or hate me." Alana reveals.

"I could never hate you, and when I am with you, I don't feel like its wrong. So many things are going through my head. And I guess we did behave didn't we? I am not sure for how much longer I can though." Luke comments.

"Same, for behaving and so many things through my head. Are you going straight home?" Alana asks.

"No, I am going to my friend Brad's. I will let you know when I get there and also when I am home, so you don't worry." Luke states.

"Ok, I am home now. Just stay safe ok? Hugs." Alana replies.

"I will and you too babe. Hugs and those hot damn kisses." Luke remarks.

"I don't think I will ever forget that kiss," Alana responds.

"Me either babe, me either." Luke states.

Alana goes into her house, putting her phone into her purse, knowing that Thomas and her son will be home. It was now a little past 8 pm, which was late for her to be getting home as it was.

"There you are, I have been calling and texting you. Where have you been?" Thomas asks.

"At work, it was busy today, I had a lot of phone calls to make so I stayed later to work. What did you need me for anyway Thomas? Dinner was in the fridge." Alana answers.

"I was worried, I wanted to make sure you were ok. You don't normally stay out this late, not even for work." Thomas says.

"I didn't know you paid attention. I am sorry to worry you though, I will try to let you know in the future if I am staying late, which may be at least once a week to make sure everything is together. He is very busy lately." Alana comments.

"I really wish you didn't work full time like this Alana. I know you want to work but it's taking away from our family life. I know I haven't been here, for work also, but I would like to change that. I have been trying to." Thomas answers.

"I have seen you home for dinner more and fewer trips. I will try not to work late every night but there will be at least one day a week I will need to. I am not going to give up my job though, it's very important to me." Alana replies.

"I know it is, and I am trying to get over it. To deal with it, there is a lot I have been dealing with lately. I would really prefer you coming, back to our bed, to being somewhat married again. I never see you, only at dinner then your off on your own." Thomas says.

"That was the norm for all these years, Thomas, Now you want to change it? Things don't happen overnight. Plus I already told you about coming back to our bed, I rather not. Some things will never change, they are what they are."Alana answers.

"I know I have hurt you, I am sorry. I just don't know how long you're going to let me pay for it." Thomas reveals.

"You may be sorry, it just doesn't fix it," Alana responds.

"I have been seeing this." Thomas states.

"Alana goes to sit with Tommy for a few, asking how his day was at school, and giving him some time. She might not want Thomas but she did want her son.

After a bit she goes upstairs to take her bath, checking her phone to see that Luke texted her, he was ok and at Brad's house. She sends him a smiley face to let him know she got the text.

As she starts taking off her clothes for her bath, she just remembers the kiss, the way his hands felt on her back, his lips on hers, the taste of his tongue. She even remembers the feel of his brown curly hair through her fingers. It just all drives her crazy, making her heated all throughout her body. She was amazed at how well they did behave since that kiss alone was hot enough to melt an iceberg.

She lays in the tub thinking about everything that took place tonight, how he was actually how he was online. How well the clicked and mostly how much she wanted more from this.

Alana also knows she will have to be careful even more now that Thomas all of a sudden wants to change. It really didn't matter to her at this point, which saddens her. It took him all this time, to want to make a change, and when he does, she doesn't care.

Was it because of Luke? Or just because of Thomas himself, she thought to herself, laying there in the tub of bubbles. It was a little of both, the things Thomas has done, she couldn't get over. He wasn't the worse husband in the world, but he lacked on so much. Things she really wanted and needed in her life now. Things he could never really offer her or has.

She needed to see what would happen with Luke, even if it only lasted a short time, she needed this. What she felt tonight, she never felt in her life, and she wanted more of it!

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