Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

The next few days Alana takes off just trying to get herself together. After three days, she knows she can't do this anymore, she has to push through it and be an adult. Life wasn't going to stop just because she was hurt. She gets up and gets herself ready for work, the best she can. Throwing on her scrubs, with a pair of sneakers and putting her hair in a ponytail. Nothing fancy, she didn't feel like much.

Thomas sees she is finally coming out of her room. Three days of silence, no food, no nothing. He saw this as a good thing she was awake, and maybe now things would head to being normal.

"Good Morning, It's good seeing you up and at it," Thomas says.

"Yea," Alana replies.

"Would you like to go out to dinner tonight?" Thomas asks.

"I am still not very hungry. so maybe just order in." Alana says.

"Ok, maybe spend some time with Tommy then?" Thomas asks.

"I will try when I get home," Alana responds.

Thomas sees she isn't really into much still, but it was good she was at least out of bed. From how things looked he saw that Luke hasn't contacted her in the few days they were broken up, so he was feeling that was a good thing. He got rid of him, now he just had to make her get over this.

Alana just walks out the door, not even saying goodbye. She heads to the office and just walks in, not really saying hello to Judy either.

"Hey girl its been days are you ok?" Judy asks.

"Yes." Alana answers.

"You sure?" Judy says.

"Yes, I will work on the paperwork today," Alana says going to her desk just staring at it, remembering her and Luke messing around on top of it.

She holds back tears and just gets to her work, staying there all day. Not interacting with customers or Judy. Just trying to keep her mind busy. When the time to leave comes, she gets her purse and just walks out.

Judy sees she is really hurt, she knows that even when she was pissed at Thomas she never was this way. She knows she is going through a lot. She loved Luke and thought it would be a new start, that she found her true love. Here it got shot down before it started. She also knew that Alana needed time and space to heal. She was strong and she would get over it, it would just take time.

When Alana gets home, she wants to go straight upstairs but Thomas is there with take out, asking her to sit down and have some dinner.

"I am not really that hungry Thomas," Alana says.

"I know, but its been days and you need to eat. Plus we need family time. Tommy and I have missed you."Thomas states.

Alana just hears Missed you and she almost breaks down, Did Thomas even know what Missed you meant? What she was feeling right now was missing someone, needing someone. Hurting for someone. She just thought for Thomas it was just words for her it was real.

She just sits there and nibbles on the take out, while Thomas and Tommy talk about sports and their day. She doesn't engage much but tries not to be rude. After dinner, Thomas cleans up and they sit on the sofa, Thomas and Tommy playing video games, Alana tries to leave but neither of them wants her to go so she stays. She knows that Thomas uses Tommy to get what he wants. It burns her but she keeps her mouth closed.

She curls up on her side of the sofa and winds up falling asleep. It was her way out of things. To forgot what was really going on around her. To keep herself at peace, and maybe help her to heal.

Thomas sees she drifts off to sleep and is very quiet. He doesn't say much either, just continues to play with his son. When they are done, he locks up and picks Alana up carrying her to her room.

He knows better than to try something, he just lays her on her bed and covers her. He also sees that is the first time in ages she wasn't on her phone. It might be a tough time, but Luke was out of the picture. Some normalcy was already back in their lives. Thomas tries to see the plus side of things from this.

Because if he was honest with himself and really took a look at everything that was going on, he wouldn't be able to deal with it all. His was was brokenhearted over another man? She had a full brown affair and was even willing to leave him. The reality of it all was brutal to him. So he chose to not look at it, as if he did, he wouldn't be tucking her in bed, but throwing her out the door.

He lays in his own bed, thinking she is broken, feeling down? What about me? How should I feel? She doesn't even see or care about my feelings or what this would do to me? All she is doing is crying over her lover. A man who threw her to the side, where I am here trying my best to fix this. Where was his sensible wife? The woman he married? She turned into a whore, who cared about nothing but herself!

And here he was letting her get away with it all, acting as if he knew nothing. He was no better than she was, they were both living a lie for different reasons.

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