Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

The week goes by Alana and Luke talk every day and night wanting to spend as much time together as they can. Just waiting for the next time they can be together. They are planning for the following week, at least once a week, but with the Christmas vacation, that isn't going to be possible.

Luke's wife got an extra week off so she can get ready for Christmas, so that makes it impossible for him to go see Alana. It just makes the build-up even more so for when they will see each other. Letting them both wish things were different.

"You never take two weeks off for Christmas," Luke says.

"I know, but last year and the years before I always had to rush things. I work so much I don't have time to wrap presents or get ready for your family to come to dinner. I don't want that this year, plus you are always bitching that I am not with you. So I figured I would get some time off. I thought you would be happy." Whitney answers.

"I am, just a little surprised. It will be nice having you home, I wish you would do it more often." Luke states.

"I know, I love my work, you always knew that. We can go get a tree and put it up together. Do some things we use to go to. " Whitney comments.

"That will be nice, I am still very surprised to see you like this," Luke replies.

"I do hear what you say, just sometimes I can't do anything about it," Whitney responds.

"It's nice to see you do care. I was starting to think you didn't." Luke admits.

"I do, just I worked too hard to give up my career. I know I should balance things better, it's just not that easy." Whitney says.

"I see that, but I am glad you're trying." Luke answers.

Whitney just smiles at him, walking out of the kitchen. Luke stands there not sure what to think or do. He has mixed feelings about it. He was giving up on trying to see if his wife wanted to be with him, feeling she didn't. Now she did this, confusing him even more. For the next two weeks, they would be normal, it would be nice. Would he be able to go through with seeing Alana? He already was feeling guilty. This just made it worse.

Just as the first week goes by, he still texts and wants to be with Alana. His feelings don't change towards her, but the quilt just grows. He makes sure that Whitney doesn't notice anything, trying to spend as much time with her also.

Alana doesn't mind since she has to get ready for her own family things to do for Christmas. The only thing different was Alana wasn't cooking for this holiday, her in-laws were. She would have to go over there and sit with them, acting as if everything was ok and normal. It was getting harder and harder for her to do. She liked being with Luke, it gave her a thrill in every way. She just knew that their families were in the way and always would be. This wasn't going to be as easy as they thought. They were going to be part-time lovers for sure. Doing their best not to get caught. Not to hurt what they have with their spouses, just if she thinks about it, it already is.

She just makes the week go the best she can, putting up the tree with Thomas and her son. Thomas trying his best to be around her and nice. Thomas still has his suspicions but he keeps them to himself. Wanting Christmas to go well, for him and his family. He sees she is here and trying to, which gives him false hope. She isn't mean to him but at the same time, she isn't rude. She tries as well for their son, wanting him to have a normal holiday. They are both on the same page when it comes to Tommy.

Just in the back of her mind, she can't wait to see Luke again. Knowing this time, she isn't going to let anything stand in her way. She wants him, and she is going to get him. As long as he doesn't change his mind, which always stayed in the back of hers.

She knew how he was with this, he still cared about his wife. If she was honest, she cared about Thomas also, not that she loved him, she just felt bad about going behind his back. They did have history and a son together. It bothered her that to get what she wanted she had to do something like this, just at the same time, she couldn't hide her feelings. It was trying to try to hide what she really wanted, and not experiencing it. It also wasn't fair to her, since Thomas wouldn't give it to her, she found someone else that would. Just going through with this, was very complicated, and could hurt a lot of people if they ever found out, and neither her or Luke wanted that.

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