She's not usually this friendly

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"You've got my phone? How on earth did that happen?" I ask a little incredulously. 

“I think Theresa must have snatched it when you were holding her. I didn't realize that she had it under we got home and then it took me a bit to figure out how to contact you. I hope you haven't missed it long."

"No, I only started looking for it a few minutes ago. I can't believe I didn't notice earlier," I laugh and lean back against the wall. Of all the things to happen...for his daughter to steal my phone. Talk about crazy impossibilities.

“Like I said, she can be absolutely devious when she wants to be! She's quite mad.” he chuckles softly and I can imagine his smile. 

“Oh don't say that, she's so sweet. Even if she did manage to pickpocket me.”

"Well thank you. She is a perfect angel usually."

I smile and make an affirming sound, not knowing what else to say. I twirl the phone cord around my finger and shift my weight from one foot to the other. 

"So um, do you want to meet me somewhere to pick this up?" he asks.

I frown and consider my options, glancing back towards the partially closed door where Cailyn is resting.  Meeting somewhere is fine, but it's already so late. And I don't want to invite myself over to pick it up at his house tomorrow. He'll think I'm trying to pry into his life. "Well," I start off slowly "I don't know about Theresa, but my daughter is napping right now. I wasn't planning to go out again tonight. If you want to drop by our apartment before dinner you can, or we could meet somewhere tomorrow morning." 

"I'm actually running another errand right now. Could I come by your apartment say, in twenty minutes?"

"That sounds fine. Thank you for calling and returning how did you get my number anyway?" 

"Funnily enough, that's how I found out we had your phone. I found Theresa playing with something and was just investigating when it rang and nearly made her drop it, you should have seen her face." I laugh along with him.

"I saw the caller ID said 'mom' so I answered it and managed to figure out that it was your phone and also got your home phone number. She was very helpful, your mother."

"Oh," I laugh "she does always call me in the afternoon. How lucky."

"Exactly. I would have had to have someone break into or never have gotten it back to you otherwise."

Thank goodness mom had called. If he'd had to break in...well let's just say I still have a lot of embarrassing pictures in my camera roll. Lucky that I'd changed the lock screen to a picture of Cailyn this morning, previously it had been a punk edit...

"Alright, um well let me get you my address," I give him the information to put into his GPS and then we exchange slightly awkward goodbyes.

I hang up the phone carefully and make note of the time. He said around twenty minutes. So I've got twenty minutes to do burn. I walk around the kitchen and living room, tidying up a few areas. One of the benefits of having a smaller living space is that it's easier to look after. I consider waking up Cailyn but remind myself that Liam will only be dropping off my phone. I doubt he'll stay very long. Focusing on that fact I will myself not to go into the bathroom to make sure my makeup still looks alright. I make myself find a book to read and sit on the couch. I read restlessly for a few minutes before I put away the book and just stare at the clock.

Five minutes before he's supposed to arrive Cailyn comes wandering out, asking for food. I point to the fruit on the coffee table and distractedly wipe her face as she gets covered with peanut butter. 

"Mommy, you need to sit." she says seriously, petting Toby with one hand and shaking a grubby finger at me with the other. 

"Sorry mija, I'm just a little nervous I guess." I rub her back and sit down on the floor next to her, still watching out the window. 

"Because why?"

"Do you remember the friend you made at the store? She borrowed mommy's phone and when her daddy found out he wanted to bring it back. So they're going to stop here to give it back."

"Tessie's coming here?"

"Tessie? Did she tell you her name?"

"Yea. Tessie's my friend, duh mommy."

"Oh of course, of course. Sorry." I roll my eyes at her and wrinkle my nose, which makes her laugh. I pretend to try to steal one of her apples and she smacks my hand away laughing again.

"No mommy, my apples."

"I can't even have one?" I ask, leaning back against the tan couch.

"No." she says as she makes Toby eat one. I groan inwardly, I'll have to sneak him away from her tonight so I can wash him. For now I settle on wiping both of their faces. I'm throwing a handful of dirty napkins away when I hear the doorbell ring. I check that Cailyn is presentable as she runs towards the door, catching her and swinging her into my arms. 

"No answering the door without mommy, mija."

"But you were so slow." she protests, wiggling as the doorbell rings again.

"Shhh, be good." I scold her as I reach for the doorknob, taking a deep breath and preparing myself.

I open the door, smiling. Liam stands there, holding Theresa on his hip, almost mirroring Cailyn and I. I wave towards Theresa and push the door open wider. She doesn't return it but smiles a little bit from around her thumb.

"Hi guys, feel free to come in." I offer. Despite it being LA, today is rather chilly.

“Hi! I'm really sorry about all this, I couldn't believe Theresa had taken it,” he steps inside and I close the door behind them “and please except both of our apologies.” He lifts her up close to his face and tilts it while pouting towards me. 

“It's fine, it's fine!” I tell him awkwardly as he offers me my phone. God, he's even cuter in person than I could have ever imagined. How does anyone survive being around him? I just want to melt into a puddle of “awes”.

“Thank you for bringing it over. All is forgiven, of course.” Oddly, Cailyn starts twisting in my arms to get down. She's usually always wanting to cuddle. Despite liking people, she's usually shy when she doesn't know them. I set her down, surprised.

“Me an Tessie are gonna go color mommy.” She walks over to Liam and starts tugging on his arm. Theresa starts squirming to get down too. Liam looks surprised as well and sets her down next to Amelia who pulls her off to the couch where I tidied up the crayons we were using back into their box. I raise an eyebrow at Liam as we turn to watch them.

“I'm sorry, she's usually not so bold around new people." I shake my head "Is it fine if Theresa colors for a little bit with Cailyn? She doesn't have many friends around here, we've just moved recently.”

“Oh, it's fine. In fact, I'm glad Theresa's playing with her. She'll play with Soph and me, her nanny, and my parents, but she usually doesn't get along with other children.” Liam moves closer to the girls and leans easily against the side of the couch. I follow his lead and sit down across from the couch in the computer chair. 

“That's similar with Cailyn. I mean, she's not nearly as quiet as Theresa is and she does usually want companionship. But she just hasn't had any play dates that have really worked out so far. She likes the other kids but then when I ask if she wants to play with them again she says no.” I shrug. 

"Hmmmm..." Liam hums thoughtfully, crossing his arms.

Picture on the side of how I imagine Cher as Isabella. Give me feedback by commenting and voting please!

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