Changing plans

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"Mom I thought you were going to come up tomorrow morning?" I hiss through the phone to her quietly. We had planned that she would be arriving early tomorrow morning just in time to surprise Cailyn as she was waking up. Right now she's still watching a movie and mom's called to tell me they're a few minutes away.

"Well our plans changed last minute and we thought why not come down tonight. It's not going to be much of a difference Belle."

"'s a three hour drive. Why didn't you call me and tell me your plans changed earlier?"

"We sort of forgot." she says, as if that explains everything. Honestly, she may be my biological mother but I'm so much more like my step-father...

"Mom, I just... I had things planned out. And scheduled. I mean the house is still messy and I need to put the sheets back onto your bed. I really wish you had given me more of a heads up."

"Well we're sorry, we didn't think that it would be such a big deal Belle." she sounds like she's getting a little upset now.

"Mom, you know I don't like that nickname." I somehow got blessed with a name that can be turned into several nicknames and there are few that I actually like being called.

"Well..." she pauses "your father says to tell that he forgot to call and that I slept part of the way and that he likes your nickname, so there."

"Ugh," I sigh and shake my head causing Cailyn to shush me and make me walk into the kitchen to talk. "get off the phone and let me clean up as much as I can before you get here. I'll talk to you in a few minutes mom."

"Alright sweetie. We'll be there any minute if this GPS isn't broken."

I hang up on her, rolling my eyes and starting to load the dishwasher with the dirty dishes from dinner. Then I take out the just dry sheets to fix my parent's bed in the guest room. I've got half of them on when two things happen. I hear my phone ding with a new text and I hear the doorbell ring and Cailyn call out to me.

"Mommy! Someone is at the door!" I hear her stand up and yell for her to wait for me as I check my phone. It reads:

From Liam the Goof: Though I really wanna I can't come tomorrow. Soph and Theresa are still though. ahhh sorry Belleee

To Liam the Goof: Don't call me that. We'll miss you. It'll be so much fun. There'll be cake.

From Liam the Goof: Don't bribe me Bel I've got work

To Liam the Goof: Don't call me Bel. Gotta go, my parents are here

I put down my phone and hurry to answer the door. Why is this happening? Tomorrow was going to be perfect for Cailyn, but now everything I've planned is changing.


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