Nightly catch-up

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"How was your day?" I finally manage to ask Liam when he can respond honestly. The whole night had been spent with the girls and apart from hearing there was no real news, I've heard nothing about Liam's day. So I do it now, once the girls have been in bed for twenty minutes and the two of us have migrated into my (our?) bedroom to get ready for bed and chill for an hour or so in each other's company.

"It could have been better," he responds candidly with a sigh. "I had that appointment this morning and it didn't go as well as it could have." 

"Really?" I frown, scooting closer to him. We have discovered that we both find the other's physical presence comforting. Whenever we're discussing something difficult, usually the future or our previous partners, we cuddle up together and talk it through. In fact, I haven't had to call mother for an in depth chat in a while. I mean, we still talk everyday but it's about happier and more mundane, everyday topics. I would still go to here for anything, but I think we're both content with how Liam has filled a gap for me. Whatever gap it is that requires me to spill everything I'm feeling and thinking out to someone else, someone I trust. Plus, Liam's here in person when Mother isn't, more often then not. 

"Yes, I've been doing well and making slow progress. I was hoping that there might be some sort finish line in sight, some sort of goal that I could strive towards that wouldn't be too far off from where I am now." His happy attitude from tonight is dimming, I can see it in his eyes and the slumping of his shoulders.

"Isn't there one?" I plead with him. Hoping that his doctor hasn't told him something like he'll never get better, or maybe that's just a fear that I have. Or that he might relapse. Or he has a terminal illness. Those are the paranoid roads my thoughts have drifted towards.

"It's just, he doesn't seem to think that I'll heal as soon as I imagined. He sat me down and had a talk with about how far I really am along. I guess he was trying to make me see reality."

"It didn't help much, did it." I guess aloud. He shakes his head and I sigh, wishing I knew what to say to him. I opt for giving him the only comfort I can at the moment, holding him for the next several minutes.

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