Right now

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"We need to talk," Louis tells me. He comes up suddenly behind me startling me enough to bump in Harry. "all four of us. Once the kids have been put to bed we're having a serious, long discussion." He fixes me with a hard look, it's hard to tell if he's just being serious or if he's angry with me. "So be there." He grabs Harry's hand and drags him over to the baby carrier that's sat on the couch. "Cmon and help me get everything into the guest room, please. And then I'll want a turn with Darcy." His voice grows muffled as grabs a stack of onesies that Harry-for whatever reason-was unpacking and sorting on the couch. 

As soon as they've left the room I pull Liam over to one side far enough away that we can talk in semi-normal voices and we won't be overheard. Both the girls are tired, but not ready for bed yet. While it may be quite late already, they got very excited for Uncle Louis and Uncle Harry and baby Darcy coming over. Now that all the excitement is over they are content to finish watching their movie they were too excited to sit still for earlier. "Do you know what Louis wants to talk about?" I ask Liam.

He nods slowly and looks unconcerned. "I told him about the urges that I have to say or do things sometimes, he wants to discuss it and get more details. He might have freaked out a little bit." He shrugs. "I thought you would have told him about it."

"I must have forgotten," I admit "it's only been a couple weeks and I've been caught up with a few other things. Otherwise, I definitely would have told him." I frown as I remember something. "I don't think I've told your family either. I wonder if the rehabilitation center called them about it."

Liam turns away from me to watch the girls lying in front of the television. "What is it?" I ask despite having a hunch what has happened, or not happened.

"I might not have told my therapist yet." Liam confesses. His eyes plead for me to understand as he pouts. "I didn't think it was that serious and you've been helping me with it anyway. I was going to do it eventually, but I didn't want to yet. I've just been feeling normal for the first time in a long time and I didn't want to feel like I was...relapsing or something. I just wanted to continue doing well like I have been. I was afraid that I would lose some of the privileges I've gained. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to see Tessie and Cailyn as much as I have been."

My heart skips a beat to hear him mention Cailyn as well as his own daughter. Surely that means something...

He continues, "I just wanted things to stay on the path that they're going. I honestly thought that it was possible for me to repress those urges. Especially with your help," He looks down at me hopefully. "I was sure that everything would be okay."

"You put too much trust in me," I tell him with a sigh.  

"Maybe," he says slowly, thinking over what he's saying carefully. "but right here and right now there's no one better to trust."

"There's your doctors," I remind him "they're the ones who are trained and knowledgable about these situations."

"But they don't know me, I've got no family or close friends here Isabella. You have to realize, you're important to me and my recovery. It is possible that you're evan more important than the doctors." 

I smile a little at that and turn away. I'm relieved to know what Louis wants to talk about, hopefully nothing else will be brought up and we can figure some things out. It'll be nice to have Louis and Harry here, they've known him longer and I'm very pleased to have them giving input. I trust them to have slightly better judgement than I might. 

Together, surely, we can figure it all out.

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