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"Hi, hi!" I greet Louis as he hurries inside the door I'm holding open for him. Harry follows behind him carrying a carseat in one hand and his journal in the other. It's raining steadily outside and while it isn't anything terrible, with gusty winds or thunder, it's enough to get you quite wet and a lot more than Los Angeles is used to. Louis drops the bulging baby bag he was carrying on one shoulder and wraps me in a soggy hug.

"We've missed our favorite babysitter," he says as he pulls away leaving me groaning over my now damp shirt. "it's good to see you again. It's been beastly taking care of the little tyke ourselves," Harry rolls his eyes behind his husband. But Louis can't see him, so he continues on not letting me get a word in edgewise. "The girls will have to invite me to another tea party of course. And I imagine Liam be around tomor-" he breaks off when he catches sight of Liam standing a at the kitchen entrance with the girls, holding them back so they don't run around and overwhelm Louis and Harry before they're able to settle down and put down bags and such. 

"He didn't want to miss seeing you when you got in tonight." I say quietly. I haven't talked to Louis about the whole thing-whatever the thing is-since the last time that he was here. It's rather awkward over Skype or the phone. I'm not sure how he will react to Liam being around so often, he's sure to notice.

"Is that all?" He asks, moving over to hug Liam and then the girls, both at once. I help Harry take the baby seat into the living and then help move everything else that they brought in as well. Louis has Liam pulled over in a corner of the hallway and is ignoring the rest of us, despite Cailyn's best attempts to distract him. Harry returns to the living wearing only a sort of undershirt that he must have been wearing underneath his sweater. He's taking the sweet little Darcy out of her carseat but I can't think of anything but what Louis is talking to Liam about...

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