It's her big day

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"Cailyn! Good morning," I sing as I burst into Cailyn's room. I open her window and let her room fill with light from the rising sun. "and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" I run over to her bed and start bouncing on it, peppering her face with kisses to wake her up. She pushes me away, laughing.

"Stop!! That tickles!" she stretches and then climbs out of from under her blankets to hug me. "Is it really my birthday? Am I five now?" she stares up at me sleepily and happily.

"Yup it's your birthday! And my goodness, you're getting so big." I nuzzle my nose into her neck "and you're growing up much too fast. We're going to have to get a big heavy brick and put it on your head so you'll stop." I tickle her side as she protests that she doesn't want a brick on her head. "No no, we'll have to find one later today that we can use." I tease as I help her change into the outfit we picked out last night. 

"Maybe it won't work mommy. I don't think it's a good idea, because bricks are heavy and it'd probably hurt my head and then you'd feel bad." she reasons with me. 

"Hmmmm...maybe I'll have to find a different way to make you stay little huh? I wouldn't want your head to get hurt."

"That's right mommy." she pats my head as I pull her shirt on and then smack her bum playfully. 

"Well then, thanks for helping me to see things clearly." I hug her again. She does honestly look bigger and older already. "Are you ready for breakfast? Papa and Grammy are out there waiting for you to come eat with them."

"Really?! I better go then, bye mommy." without a backward look she squirms out of my arms and out the door. I follow her a minute later, wondering what happened to my baby, she's going to be ready for school in a year or two, how time flies!!


"Come on, blow out your candles!!" we urge Cailyn as she leans proudly over her birthday cake. She takes a deep breath and tries her best to blow all five out at once. She runs out of breath but quickly sucks in another to blow out the last two remaining candles.

"I did it!!" she exclaims and hugs Tessie, who is sitting next to her. "Can I have a really really big piece now?" all the adults chuckle at this and I pull the cake towards me to serve it.

"Yes, you may have the first piece mi hija, you're the birthday girl!!" I tell her as she sits back down properly in her chair and watches me cut the cake. I pass her a corner piece, lots of icing and it has one of the balloons that were decorating the top of the cake on it too. I know that later I'll probably regret how much sugar she'll eat today, but you only turn five once...

"I'll take a small piece for Theresa and one only slightly bigger for me." Sophia tells me just as I was about to ask her how much she wanted Tessie to eat.

"Alright, will do. How much are you gonna want mom? And you dad?" I lick my fingers clean of icing and pick up the cake knife again. 

"Hmmhhh I'll take one that's a bit bigger than Cailyn's." this earns my dad a smack from my mother. I roll my eyes and cut him a large piece.

"You know that won't be doing you any favors the next time we go to the gym!!" she scolds him as she passes him his piece. She then moves over to arrange my hand so that it will cut her an equally large piece. "There, that's a nice sized one." she says cheerfully.

"Honestly you two..." I mumble. "Worse than Cailyn aren't you." Sophia and Tessie arrived about twenty minutes ago and we've had a nice lunch that mom cooked for us and now we've sang to Cailyn and cut the cake. My plan is to do presents next and then head off for Cailyn's surprise. Hopefully she'll like it, I tried my hardest to think of something that she would enjoy. Something that she hasn't done before or said that she wanted to try. So that's what we're all heading off to do this afternoon. Hopefully the girls' sugar highs will wear off while we're out and they can come back and crash and watch a movie or something.

Or so Sophia and I are hoping. The Paynes were kind enough to have where we're going closed so that it will be just us there. Since they are joining us I suppose it was rather necessary but I still feel a bit indebted to them. But on the bright side, Cailyn seems to be having a wonderful day so far and mom hasn't said anything weird to Sophia...that I've heard anyway. I hope she doesn't mention anything about how she "ships" (yes she actually said it) Liam and I together. I'm hoping she'll see on her visit that they're happily married and that her comments are inappropriate. I've been trying to distract her by mentioning the new bachelor who moved in downstairs but no luck so far. 

"Mommy," Cailyn pulls at my arm as I finish serving myself a slice. "mommy, this is the best birthday ever. Thank youuuu thank youuuu and thank you!" I pick her up and give her a loud smack of a kiss on her cheek. Because that's all that I hoped to achieve today, to make her birthday the best one she could possibly imagine.

So here's this. I was actually really good and wrote more than half of this before I went off to babysit tonight. *kawaii anime thumbs up and wink* so yay (then I came back and finished at like 11pm heheheheheheheheheheheheh don't judge)

How's your life going? I kinda has to support one friend bc her parents got mad at her and she was pretty miserable and then I got another friend's name mixed up and felt super bad about that so woooo I think they even each other out. 

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