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"No, I want those on the far end of table mother, that way the girls can't reach them as easily. I wanted to keep the treats as far away as possible so they wouldn't be tempted to have any before they finish their dinner." I direct mother as she helps me set the table with the platters food. The dining room has been wonderfully decorated with the help of Tessie, there are cute little place cards with everyone's names written on them. She must have made the ones for our unexpected guests as soon as I had left to pick up Cailyn and her friends.

Cailyn's chair has a several balloons attached to its back, a remnant from those that were used to line the hallway, I assume. Everyone else has some ribbon tied to the back of their chairs and of course there are themed plates, napkins, and cups for everyone. Cailyn has a crown titled "birthday girl" next to her spot and everyone else has party hats. 

I notice that all the dishes are on the table and the various soft drinks and juices are all lined up, I quickly check the birthday cupcakes. Only Liam, Tessie, and I have seen it and it's one of the surprises I'm most eager to see Cailyn's reaction to. There's a new animal encyclopedia that I know she's been wanting to get, a few things that Tessie suggested, and tickets to the aquarium all wrapped up in the living room. But the cupcakes aren't something that I bought and wrapped, I made and iced them all myself. was a box mix, but I still spent nearly two hours making them this morning. 

I've always thought that heartfelt gifts and ones that are handmade mean the most to me. I know that Cailyn will love whatever I give her, but I do try to get her gifts that I think or know she'll like. I had help from Tessie too, of course.

The cupcakes aren't the most beautiful cupcakes and the designs that I tried to make didn't turn out looking exactly correct. And sure, the icing may be smudged and the letters are different sizes, but I think she'll appreciate it. The things she loves are all over them along with happy birthday messages and sprinkles of all shapes and colors. I spent a lot of time decorating them and of all the gifts I'm giving her, these are the ones I'm most proud of.

It might be silly, but my way of thinking about it is, this whole party could come in a box. All the decorations and the balloons, even the gifts! But what makes it really special is the people who are with you at the party. The piñata and pin the tail on the donkey games wouldn't be fun if there weren't friends to play them with.

I believe that these cupcakes are the best gift I'm giving today. Which is why I've tried to be sneaky and left cookies and candy on the table. I've also put a large sign on the refrigerator warning little girls to KEEP OUT! Meanwhile the cupcakes are all hidden in a tall cabinet. 

I walk over to the hallway and call out to everybody, "It's time to eat!! Come find your place at the table, there are place cards so you shouldn't have much trouble." The girls hurry into the kitchen, making me flatten myself against the wall to let them through. Mother helps them all get seated without too much of a fuss. The adults walk over into the dining via the kitchen in a much calmer manner. 

As Louis passes, holding Darcy, I poke his side and make grabby hands towards his daughter. "What are you trying to do? Rob me of my one and only daughter?" He jokes as he hands her over to me carefully. "I feel like I hardly ever see her since you came into her life." He frowns at me as Harry tugs him to their seats. I follow behind slowly, stroking Darcy's soft hair and letting her suck on my finger. 

Liam smiles softly as I sit down next to him, Darcy held against my shoulder. Dad blesses the food quickly and everyone starts eating. Liam however, waits until I've readjusted Darcy in my lap and begun trying to one-handedly fix my plate. "Would you like some help with that?" He asks me, hiding a smile. 

I flash a look to him. "I could handle it on my own, but I wouldn't mind the help either." I look around at the nearby platters of food. "I'd like some chicken and rice, some carrots, a cookie, and definitely some mashed potatoes. And when the quesadillas come around, grab me one, please." 

He blinks and then bursts out laughing, louder than usual. "I was going to offer to hold Darcy for you, not make your plate!"

My face heats up as I try to laugh it off. "I wasn't planning on giving up Darcy any time soon!" I protest, hoping that-

"Hah you thought he was going to make your plate for you? Really? What sort of universe do you think in, Izzy?!" Louis laughs from two spots down from me. I glare at him and then Liam, for talking so loudly and then carefully pass Darcy over to him.

"Fine...I'll make my own plate then." I ignore the delighted grin that Liam is giving Darcy and the laughter Harry is trying to make Louis muffle. 

Sorry. Dad's turning the wifi off at 11 now yay >.< So I'm adjusting to how this affects my writing schedule because I would usually start writing at 11 or 10:30 and then publish the update before 12am. So bear with me...

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