They bought muffins, and Louis bought a cup of coffee for himself. While they waited, Louis answered some e-mails Liam had forwarded him from their management. Zayn sat beside him, talking to Benny, his legs swinging happily. His carefree attitude eased Louis' mood and he put the phone away. "Are you looking forward to the plane ride?"

Zayn nodded eagerly, and Louis brushed the boy's fringe away from his face as he continued talking. "Benny going on plane fiwst time," Zayn told him. Louis kept talking to him, but his mind wandered to their arrival in London. He was looking forward to sleeping in his own bed. The entire trip he'd slept with Zayn (not that he'd minded it much - the kid was tiny), but he had to sleep at the same time as him. Or pretend to, at least. Without Ziam, Zayn sleeping alone was almost impossible.

"- and then we see Liam, Niall and Hawry?" Zayn wondered. Louis' smile grew. "Yes, but we might be the first ones to get home. Niall's flight will arrive at night."

"Oh," Zayn said disappointedly. Louis nudged him with a smile. "But Liam or Harry might be there!"

Zayn's eyes sparkled suddenly and he perked up. It was like someone had injected him with caffeine. His legs swung quicker and he told Benny that Liam was the one who'd bought the "Omnitwitch", his Ben 10 watch. He talks almost as fast as Liam when he's excited, Louis mused.

They boarded the plane half an hour later, and Louis sacrificed the window seat again for the kid.

Zayn seemed pretty happy and he stuck his nose to the window as he stared outside. "So many planes, Benny look!"

Louis put their handbag and his duffel bag in the compartment above them before he took a seat. It was a three seaters plane so the seat next to him was soon occupied by someone. A teenage boy with headphones who didn't say much or acknowledge them. Louis picked up a call from Harry, not minding the boy much.

"Hey! Are you guys on the plane?"

Louis smiled at his enthusiasm. "Yup."

"How's Zayn doing?"

"Oh he's marvellous," Louis replied as he watched Zayn fumble with the belt. He apparently wanted the belt to accommodate both him and Benny.

"And how are you?"

"I'm tired, but I'm good," Louis told him earnestly. "It was a long night, Zayn woke up in the middle of the night asking about Ziam. And then when he fell asleep, I couldn't sleep until I'd double checked all our bags.".

"Wow, his attachment to Ziam is still strong, huh? And you, the impulsive packer, what has he done to you?" Harry fake gasped, and Louis chuckled lightly. "It's stressful okay? Nothing stresses me more than losing Benny or suddenly forgetting the iPad so he'll be bored the entire trip. Or what if he gets sick on the plane." Louis felt the worry rumble away in his stomach. What if Zayn got sick in the plane? He didn't have any medication, he didn't pack any, and they didn't allow liquids on the plane.

"Okay, calm down there Lou. He's gonna be fine, you've done a great job so far. Look at him! He's had a great trip, he's enjoyed himself and he's safe." And as Louis looked at Zayn, he felt himself calming down. "Yeah."

It was weird having a human being rely on him so much, trust Louis to keep him safe. Trust him, instinctively, with his life. And though the thought stressed him out, Louis had to admit, they'd been fine so far.

Except for when Zayn got sick

Or when he Skyped Ollie

Or when-

"You good?"

"Yes," Louis said, blowing air out of his nose defiantly. "Louis Tomlinson does not get scared of responsibility."

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