Best For Whom?

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Aurora's POV

" Bravo!!! Tigress." Liam said and I chuckled.

" I am." I said.

" Baby tigress." He said and I narrowed my eyes.

" Not the baby one. The real one." I said showing my biceps to him. He chuckled.

" They must be like this." He showed me his bicep. I rolled my eyes.

" Stupid." I said.

" Yeah. But how did my innocent Rora turned into a tigress?" He asked me.

" I remembered Kate how she acts when someone tries to bother her. So, it helped me a lot." I said.

" Kate!! Hmm.. so what does she do?" He asked me.

" She makes them pay for that showing them their right place and gives them a right direction of hell." I said to him.

" Oh, Savage!!" He asked me.

" Yeah, very." I said.

" Got it." He said.

" You know once I went to shopping with aunt Lucy and Aunt Trina. They were busy with some works and I was sitting alone. A guy was irritating me. Suddenly she appeared out of nowhere and kicked his wrist and it got sprained at once. Can you believe that!!!" I said to him.

" Hmm, savage enough. Reminds me of someone." I said to him.

" Of whom?" I asked him.

" Leave it. Not that important. But let me tell you something..." He stopped and sighed. " No let it go. If I tell you that you may get upset." He said to me.

" About what?" I asked him.

" About your friend Kate." He said. Yeah. Now Liam too.

" No, I won't. You can tell that to me." I said to him. He sighed.

" There is something wrong about this friend of yours." He said.

" What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

" I was just saying that." He said.

" Well, enough of brain game now spill." I told him.

" About what?" He asked me.

" About Kate. Don't try to make me confused. Tell me the truth." I asked him.

" Nothing, just nothing, Rora." He said.

" Yeah, hell no, I don't trust you." I said to him.

" You don't trust me?" He asked me.

" Not in this matter. You know something. You don't want to tell me. I know you very well." I said to him.

" Yeah, me too. I know you very well too." He said.

" Stop playing game. Tell me this instant." I demanded to know.

" There is nothing. What will I tell you?" He asked.

" Well just spill." I said to him.

" Nothing." He said.

" You can't decide that." I told him.

" I am not telling you." He said.

" Why not?" I asked him

" You will be upset. I don't want to make you upset." He said.

" I won't be upset." I said to him.

" Let it be." He said.

" I won't be upset. Stop hiding it from me otherwise I won't be talking to you. Think twice before you talk." I said crossing my arms over my chest looking at him with a cold stare.

" Why are you too stubborn?" He asked me.

" Cause I was born like that." I told him.

" Yeah. I can see that. You were born like this." He said.

" Now tell me fast and tell me without hiding anything. I will be late for my language class." I said.

Yeah, as I told you I started learning Italian so I am starting the language class from today. I want to learn it as fast as it possible. So that I will be talking in Italian soon and will be able to connect others easily. I am excited to do this.

" Hey, tell me. Without any delay." I told him.

" It's just she is not acting normal. She is always a mysterious person." He said.

" I got it. She is not like others but she is nice in the other way. She is too easy going." I said to him.

" But I was wondering why does she roams around with an innocent girl like you?! She should roam around with someone in her own range." He said.

" You can't explain who feels comfortable with whom. She feels comfortable with me. This why she roams around with me." I told him and he shook his head.

" You are not getting it. She is a kind of girl who can create that comfort zone with anyone. She doesn't have to be with you." He said.

" That doesn't mean she is weird." I said.

" But she is weird, Rora. We are keeping eyes on her and she doesn't gives a good vibe. She is not like other girls that confirmed." He said.

" She is not native Italian. She is American." I told him.

" Oh, then she too ran away from her house?" He asked me.

" No. Not at all." I said glaring at him. He chuckled.

" Ok. Sorry. I was joking." He told me.

" I hate you." I said.

" No. You don't." He said to me.

" No matter what you won't change." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Well. What do you know about her family? Did she ever tell you about them?" He asked me.

" Yeah. She doesn't have parents. She lives with her maternal grandparents here. She will go back to America once she is done with her degree. She will work with her aunty there." I told him as much as I know about Kate.

" What about her grandparents?" He asked.

" They have a restaurant here. She helps them to run that." I said to him.

" Did she ever say about her parental family?" He asked me.

" Why are you so interested?" I asked him.

" Just like that." He said.

" She said her grandfather is in Navy SEALS. He is admiral there." I said.

" I see. Well then. I will let you know if I find out something about her." He said.

" Why do you need to do that?! What's wrong?" I asked him.

" Cause you will never know actually what's going on around you. Be careful talk to anyone, Rora. You never know who is your real friend and who is not." He said.

" Are you my real friend?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

" Alright. Be careful and don't befriend with anyone you meet." He said to me.

" Why are you saying that to me?" I asked him.

" Cause it's the best option." He said.

" Best for whom?!" I asked him. He gave me a pointed look. I hissed.

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