Hell No

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Aurora's POV

" Hello, Aurora." I heard Kate as soon as picked up the call. I heard some rustling on the other side and someone screamed on top of his lungs.

" What's going on there?" I asked her.

" Oh, grandpa is watching TV." She said. " Grandpa, reduce the volume." She said and I heard some other noise then everything was silent. " Yes. Now tell me." She said.

" What about 235?" Someone asked.

" Go. I am coming." She said.

" Who was that?" I asked her.

" He was one of the waiters. Came for asking about the order." She said.

" Oh. Alright then. I think you are busy. I will call you some other time." I said to her.

" Nah. Not at all. I am not busy." She said. " Tell me what happened? Did you gave them the gifts already? What did they say? Did they like them?" She asked me. I sobbed. " What happened? What are you crying? Someone said something to you? Didn't they like the gift?" She asked.

" I gave it only to Liam and he liked that." I said.

" And Luke?" She asked me.

" He doesn't even have time for me." I said.

" What do you mean?" She asked me.

" He was talking with some people. He was busy. I couldn't reach him." I said and cried.

" Oh, jealousy kicked in!!" She said.

" Kind of." I said.

" He doesn't have time for me." I said again.

" He has. He might have not noticed you that you were around cause there were so many people." She said.

" I was waiting for him to turn but he didn't." I said.

" Then what did you do?" She asked me.

" I came out of the party." I said.

" What?!! Are you mad?" She asked me.

" I don't know." I said.

" Go back to the party. You should be with him. It's his birthday. Go wish him. I bet you did it already." She said. No I hadn't wished him.

" I don't want to go back. He was angry today because I bunked the classes and went to buy gift. He didn't even bothered to ask where I went bunking my classes." I said to her.

" Really?! That much anger?! Why so?" She asked me.

" I don't know." I said.

" Thanks must be some other reason and he might be worried. Cause already Nikki attacked you. This why he might be mad. But you shouldn't be mad at him, girl. It's his birthday. The first birthday with you. Be with him. He must be searching for you." She said.

I sobbed. No he is not. He must be with his girlfriend. Not even thinking about me. Why God!!! Why did you make me fall for him!!! Why God!!!

" I am not going." I said.

" Go. Go now." She said to me.

" I won't go." I said.

" At first stop crying. You are crying like a kid. Like he has ditched you." She said to me.

" I hate you." I said. " You are not my best friend." I sobbed.

" Good." She said." Now wipe your tears and go. He must be waiting for you. Don't keep him waiting, silly." I said.

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