Gifts For Twins

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Aurora's POV

" Good morning, everyone." Liam said and sat down beside me."good morning, Rora." He said ruffling my hair.

" Don't touch my hair, stupid." I slapped his hand away.

" It's my birthday today. You can't complain." He said and I sighed.

" So?" I said.

" Birthday Boy can wish for anything." He said.

" Yeah, right. I give you that opportunity and you do something insane, right? No way, sir." I said throwing my hands on air.

" No, I promise I won't." He said.

" I don't trust you." I said.

" We are best friends. You have to trust me." He argued.

" No, I still don't trust you." I said.

" You should." He said.

" Alright, first tell me what do you want me to do?" I asked him narrowing my eyes at him. He smirked.

" Skydiving." He said. My eyes widened.

" I hate you. I have acrophobia." I said.

" Really?" He asked me.

" Yeah." I nodded.

" Ok, no worries. You no need to dive. You just will go with us. Ok?" He said to me.

" No." I said. I am really scared of height.

" Not today. Later." He said.

" You won't let this go. Will you?" I asked him.

" No." He shook his head.

" Great. I will think about it and let you know." I said.

" The answer should be yes." He said.

" Let her have breakfast, Liam." Aunt Lucy said.

" I lost my appetite hearing that skydiving word. I can't eat. I am feeling I am spinning or the earth is spinning I am not sure about that." I said. I'm really scared of height. I drank the glass of water in one go calming down myself.

" You don't have to go, Aurora. If you don't want to." Nemo said and I nodded smilingly.

" I really don't feel comfortable with that." I said.

" Alright, Liam. Don't force her to go." Nemo said.

" Alright, alright, Rora. You no need to go. I was joking. I wouldn't have forced you to go anyways." He said and I smiled.

" Thank you for understanding." I said to him.

" What are best friends for?" He said and I smiled widely.

" To trouble each other?" I asked him.

" Yeah, that's also true." He said and we both laughed. " Luke said we are kids." Liam commented and mentioning his name made my heart beats fast. I smiled to hide it.

" He might be jealous of us." I said and Liam laughed. I joined him.

" Good morning." I stopped at once as I heard Luke's voice. I turned and found him in his black business suit. He was ready to go out.

" Come have breakfast, Luke. Can't believe you both are 25 now. I still feel it's that day when you two were born. So cute little babies." Nemo said and then kissed both of their forehead. Luke sat beside Nemo.

" I will just have a coffee. I will go and meet the Trentons today, Dad. You don't have to go. You can have rest today. Liam will handle the meeting." Luke said.

" What!!! I am not going to office today." Liam said.

" You are going to office today. It's only one meeting then you can come back. And do me a favour leave Aurora at her University. I will pick her up later." He said sipping his coffee.

" Why don't you leave her, Bro?" Liam asked him.

" Cause, I am late already. I gotta go." He said and stood up. " Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. Uncle and aunty. Bye Nemo." He said and turned to me and Liam we both were looking at Luke weirdly. I know Liam also thinking how suddenly Luke was behaving weirdly today!!! " And you leave her at University. Have a good day." He said first sentence to Liam and then turned to all.

He walked out in a hurry. I shook my head. What's wrong with him!!! Is he going on a date with his girl!!! May be. Who knows!!!

" Workaholic." I mumbled.

" Strange!!! Was it Luke? Or me?" Liam asked me and I shook my head.

" I have very doubt that it was you." I said and Liam laughed.

" Yeah me too. I think it was me." He said to me.

" Then you got the responsibility to leave me at University." I said to him.

" Yeah. Luke owe me a lot. I will take them back with interest." He said and I chuckled. Soon we finished our breakfast and came out. Liam left me in the University. I was searching for Kate. Usually she comes earlier than me cause her home is nearer than mine.

" Hey, girl!!" I heard Kate's voice and the next moment I found her arms wrapping around my shoulder. I chuckled.

" Hi, Kate." I said.

" So, how are you, girl?" She asked me.

" I am perfectly fine. What about you?" I asked her.

" I am half boiled. Not so good not so bad." She said.

" Good way to explain." I said.

" Yeah, I know." I said. " So, I want to talk to you about something very important." I said to her.

" About what?" She asked me.

" About something very special." I said.

" Let's hear it." She said.

" It's Edwards twins birthday today." I said.

" Yeah, so what's wrong with that?" She asked me.

" Nothing wrong. I just don't know what to get them as gift." I said.

" You should have told me before." She said.

" Yes. Liam is my best friend besides you." I said.

" And Luke is your boyfriend." She added.

" Yeah." I said feeling uncomfortable.

" So, you should gift them both something which will be very special for them. Because this is their first birthday with you. You need to make it memorable." Kate said.

" Yeah, I know. But what should I get them. Please help me. You are my best friend. You have to help me." I whined like a kid.

" Alright, alright. Don't whine kid. Let me think." She said. Then thought for a second. " I think it's you who is the biggest gift for them. Give them a hug and for Luke treat him better." She said and winked at me. It took a second for me to understand her meaning. I felt my face turned completely red.

" You're evil. Don't talk to me." I said to her.

" Ok, ok. I am sorry. Let's bunk the classes and get some gifts for the Edwards twins." She said to me. I thought for a second then nodded.

" Let's go. Let's get them gifts." I said. Gifts for Edwards twins is more important tgan classes. At least I think so. I walked out of the class room with Kate.

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