"Thank you! Jayn's team won!"

Start from the beginning

"Is so nice," Zayn said happily, running onto the street. Doris and Ernest were quick to follow him, and Phoebe nudged Louis with a smile. "Remember the snowball fight last year?"

Louis gaped at the reminder. "That last one gave me a bruise! People were wondering what happened."

Daisy giggled, punching his shoulder playfully. "Well, let the odds be ever in your favor, brother. The teams will be built and you will be destroyed. Unless we end up on the same team," she mused.

"Louis! Louis! Look, Jayn make a ball," Zayn yelled, lifting up heaps of snow and forming them in his small hands. He then patted the snow like he'd pat a dog, and then kissed it. Louis laughed at the scene, but Zayn was too curious and into it to notice. He grimaced as the kiss turned his lips cold, and then proceeded to sniff the snowball. Louis didn't think snowballs smelled of anything, but Zayn seemed content with the whiff he'd caught. He then licked the snow, shaking his head to himself

"Professor Zayn, if you are done with your experiments and observations, can you come close to the twins so I can take a picture?" Daisy chuckled, her phone in her hands.

Doris and Ernest smiled into the phone, cheeks already pink and Zayn walked over to them slowly. Daisy told them all to smile and they did so, Zayn grinning widely. Louis smiled fondly and headed towards them, hands in his pockets.

"He's such a cutie. He doesn't look troubled," Lottie said thoughtfully. "And he seems really warmed up to you."

"Yeah, he's comfortable around us," Louis said, remembering a time when his tattoo scared Zayn off, when a bear bottle caused fear and the word birthday made him cry. His heart ached for a moment as he thought about all the things Zayn was still learning to understand, and all the things he had actually overcome. A birthday was good. Dads weren't always bad. The boys would never cause him harm, and nor was he unwanted. These things had taken time to get through to the boy, and it was an ongoing process. Smoking, alcohol, anger and loneliness seemed to have been all the boy knew. Now he knew a little more like birthday, friends, snow and family.

"You okay?" Lottie asked, tilting her head to look at him. Louis smiled softly as he watched Zayn jump into the heap of snow, laughing loudly. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Responsibility was one big thing. But the result was that you were changing a little soul's life for the better.


After lots of scheming in the cold, Louis found himself on the cold ground, Zayn sitting on top of him. The teams had been this: Zayn, Doris, Phoebe and Charlotte against him, Ernest, Felicite and Daisy.

Though there wasn't enough snow yet to build forts, they had claimed each sides of the house, and had been running around like lunatics to catch one from the other team. The only weapons allowed: snowballs.

Twenty minutes into the game Louis and Daisy had created a plan; Felicite would be bait, going in full offense to grab one memeber of the other team. Ernest was going to go up against Doris and Zayn, just to make the small ones stay out of the teenagers' violent snowball fights. And he and Daisy were going to sneak to each side of the house and corner the other team, not only saving Felicite but going full attack mode on them and take over their fort. Hence, wining the game.

But somewhere along that plan, something had gone wrong. Felicite had made it and grabbed Phoebe. Ernest had gone with a little snowball in his hand to fight Doris and Zayn, but Zayn wasn't there. Only Doris was. Louis brushed it off, quickly making the snowballs he and Daisy needed before they went their separate ways. He had a sling of snowballs beside him, but he never got as far as to take on Charlotte and Phoebe because he tripped over something on the way. And that's when he rolled into his back to stand up, but was attacked by Zayn, who jumped on his chest with two snowballs in hands. 

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