"It cold outside"

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Half an hour later, Zayn was in his pajamas, lying on Louis' bed, the duvet pulled over him. His mouth tasted of the mint toothpaste and in his hand was Batman. The iPad was set in front of him, and now the three boys' faces popped on screen.

"Hello!" Zayn greeted happily while Louis was in the bathroom. Zayn grinned and made Batman wave his hand as well.

Liam chuckled, and he was dressed in a sleeping tee, seemingly in bed too. "Hi Zaynie."
Zayn brightened and laughed lightly at Niall who was snoring on screen. Harry smiled enthusiastically at Zayn. "Hello!" He then narrowed his eyes at Niall. "Niall?"

The lad seemed to be fast asleep. Suddenly, the camera was lifted and someone else came into view. An unknown man. Zayn frowned and clutched Batman tightly.

"Oh hey Greg," Harry greeted and Liam did the same. Greg waved at them. "Hello. Uh, Niall's pretty wasted at the moment so..."

Liam rolled his eyes playfully. "Wild night?"

"Welcome back party," Greg explained with a slight grin. "Anyways, I need to head back to Denise and Theo."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye Niall," Zayn said sadly, though he had no idea what 'Greg' had said. "Is Niall okay?" He wondered curiously and worriedly. "That was Greg, his brother He's fine," Harry told him with a smile. "How was your day?"

"Vewy good!" Zayn exclaimed. "I eat icecweam."

Louis exited the bathroom, his toothbrush in his mouth. "Ashk Hawry which date he's coming."

"Hawwy, Louis ask date which he's coming," Zayn forwarded, causing Harry to look confused for a second. "Uhm...I'm coming the 19th?"

"I'm coming the nintenth, Hawwy say," Zayn told Louis, turning the iPad so he could see the screen. Louis waved at the boys, receiving two waves back. "Where's the Irish?"

"He fine," Zayn assured him, repeating Harry's words from earlier.

"Wasted," Liam explained. Louis gaped, pulling his toothbush out of his mouth. He had a little paste on the side of his lips. "I literally refuse a drink with my mates and Niall's out there getting drunk?"

"Uh, yeah. You are the one with the child, Lou," Harry said amusedly. Louis pointed his toothbrush at the screen. "Life is unfair. Parenting is hard." Liam laughed at him and Louis returned to the bathroom. Zayn turned the iPad back to himself, bored. The boys talked about so boring things, half of their covnersations just went over his head.

"So you ate ice cream. Wasn't it very cold outside?" Liam asked, smiling softly at him. Zayn snuggled his head against the pillow. It was quite cold. "Yes, but I'm okay." He suddenly lightened up as he realised the boys didn't know his plan. "Ziam not hewe, but Jayn gonna to film everything and take pictuwes so Jiam see what going on," he explained excitedly.

"That's good," Harry encouraged him. "How did it go with the new Ziam, did Louis find one?"

Zayn wrinkled his nose, nodding a little. "That wasn't Ziam, Hawwy," he whispers in horror. He looked up as Louis walked out of the bathroom, ready for bed. Zayn turned the iPad towards him. "It Louis fault that Jiam not hewe," he said accusingly. Louis climbed on the bed with a pout, pointing a thumb at the fake Ziam that was sitting on top of their suitcase. "You can try and be friends with him, at least,"

Zayn narrowed his eyes and turned the iPad to himself. "No." He tried to show fake Ziam to the boys, and Liam aah'ed. "He does look a little like Ziam. They're both cute."

Baby "Jayn"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora