"I say Jayn look okay"

Start from the beginning

"Take this, genius." Liam sprayed water on his face before running down the hall.


After shopping for what seemed like an hour, they finally sat down at a cafe. They bought a muffin and juice for Zayn and hot beverages for themselves. It was getting colder as winter approached and Louis was excited to head back home for the holidays.

Along with a new pair of shoes, they had bought Zayn new blue space pajamas (his Green Lantern one had become too small), a couple of new underwear (with the days written on them- labeled), a winter jacket, a scarf and a pair of mittens, anther beanie (black this time) and new shirts and trousers.

Zayn had spotted a Tom & Jerry shirt that he'd been unable to resist. The boys had bought it for him and he was wearing it now under his cute little leather jacket. He looked tough in the jacket, especially with his hair combed back. There was a juice stain on his jeans and there were crumbs gathering on his lips as he ate, his legs swinging under the table.

"So, Zayn," Harry said, swallowing down a muffin bite. "The holidays are here soon. Who do you want to go home with?"

"With me you have me, my brother, maah, and my dad," Niall told him and Zayn's eyes lightened up knowing Niall's mother would be there.

"At ours it's only going to be me, Gemma and my mother," Harry told him with a small smile. Zayn grinned, nodding excitedly.

"It'll be me, my parents and perhaps my sisters. You haven't met them yet," Liam said and Louis smiled. "And at mine, it will be my siblings and mother."

Zayn nodded at them. "I wanna come."

"To who's?" Niall asked. Zayn smiled confusedly. "All boys."

"No, no, you see, we're going to be far away from each other. You have to choose one of us," Liam told him, taking a sip of his coffee. Zayn frowned in dismay, looking disappointedly up at them. "Only one?"

He talked as if they were package deal he had to break through.

"Yes, now be quick, choose me," Louis said with a grin. Zayn stopped swinging his legs and pouted. He closed his eyes, face scrunching hard in that expression that meant 'I'm thinking'. He reopened his eyes and crossed his arms. "Jayn wanna go with Hawwy."

"Aww, why?" Niall said and Liam sighed. "You haven't even met my parents."

Louis sent him a cross look. "And I thought I was your favorite."

Zayn shook his head as if Louis was an incompetent child. "You awe, Louis. But Jayn know Gemma and Hawwy mum. I like them." He smiled to which Louis stuck his tongue out at him. "Fine, but Harry's coming over to mine the last few days anyway, so we'll be seeing each other."

Zayn's eyes widened at that and he shook his head. "I want to go with Niall."

Harry raised an eyebrow at him. "Why did you change your mind?" Louis frowned, waiting for an answer.

"Jayn don't wanna meet new people," Zayn mumbled and sipped his juice carton. Louis sighed and rested his chin in his hands. "You'll like my sisters, I swear. You'll have fun there."

"As much as I want you to come with me, I kinda have to agree with Louis," Liam said and rolled his eyes at Louis' satisfied smile. "Zayn will love Ernest and Doris and the girls will love him."

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