"Michtew shkleton gonna help Jayn"

Start from the beginning

Back home, Zayn was sitting on the couch with three boys surrounding him. They were sitting on the carpet, the coffee table pushed away. Zayn found it amusing that he looked taller than them.

Harry walked back from the kitchen and handed Zayn the bowl of blueberries. He then took his place between Louis and Niall, joining the anticipated looks of the others.

"I told you you could go trick-or-treating on some conditions, remember?" Liam said and crossed his legs. Zayn nodded and popped a blueberry in his mouth.

"Number one, you and Lux will not fight," Harry said with a raised eyebrow. Zayn mumbled under his breath as he grabbed another blueberry. Louis lifted his hand to snatch one, but Zayn slapped his hand away. "Mine. Hawwy," he complained.

"Louis! Not now," Niall said. He turned to Zayn. "Number 2, you will listen to us and not run away. You can't wander on your own at night."

Zayn nodded. "Okay."

"And 3, you're going to let us go to our friend,"
Louis said with a smile. Zayn looked at him in confusion. "What fwiend?"

"You don't know him. He's invited us to a grown up party," Niall explained. The theee other boys groaned as Zayn's eyes lit up. "Pawty? Jayn wanna come with."

"Not that friend. That party's tomorrow, right Niall?" Louis said through his glare. He turned back to Zayn with a smile. "It's another friend. And he just invited us to visit. It's going to be past your bedtime when we go out trick-or-treating, and then you're going to eat and sleep while we go. Sounds good?"

Zayn pouted. "But Jayn wanna come with."

"We'll be trick-or-treating for as long as you want," Liam assured him. "Then we come home and eat, the candy gets sorted and your babysitter comes."

Zayn gasped. "Shophia!?"

Liam chuckled. "No, not her. Preston said he's free and happy to babaysit. You like Preston, right?"

Zayn nodded reluctantly. He popped another blueberry in his mouth, contemplating it. He actually didn't care as long as he got to go trick-or-treating. He'd heard that some neighbors give children ice cream too. Zayn looked at the boys who were looking at him expectantly. He didn't want to be left alone though, and if they were going, then why couldn't he go with?

"I wanna come with," Zayn said and swallowed another blueberry. The boys sighed simultaneously.

"Why Jayn can't come with?" Zayn wondered, looking at them curiously. "If boysh go, Jayn go."

"Some things and places are for children and some are for big kids, like us," Niall said with a smile. "Like for example, we don't go to kindergarten, but you do."

Zayn nodded at that, pondering over what the blonde boy had said. He'd never actually thought of why the boys didn't go to kindergarten. Well, they could come with him and then he could come with them. It's not like he was going to tell them no and tell them to sleep. Zayn smiled at them. "You can come to kindewgawden and Jayn can come to boysh fwiend."

The boys laughed lightly, and Harry shook his head. "Doesn't work like that."

"Jayn shay it doesh, kiddo," Zayn said firmly, his lips curling in disappointment. He didn't want to stay at home without them.

Louis raised his hands up in surrender. "I give up, we'll talk about this tonight, okay?"

"Okay," Zayn said and ate the last blueberries. "What you going to be? Jayn going to be Lighting McQueen," he said like he'd said all day. He then realized of course the boys knew, they were the ones to buy it for him. Zayn facepalmed.

Niall chuckled. "Yeah we know. You're going to love my costume."

All boys brightened up apart from Louis. He scoffed. "I didn't get to choose my costume."

"You were taking too long," the three other boys yelled simultaneously, and it looked like they'd been through this conversation before. Liam stood up and stretched. "We'll show you our costumes later, but first, we have to decorate the house a little."

Louis' eyes lit up in the way that made Zayn excited. "We bought some sick decorations."

"Jayn wanna shee!" Zayn exclaimed and he jumped off he couch.

Louis smirked at him. "Don't be scared though...they're pretty scary."

Zayn stared at the box with wide eyes. "Oh."

Inside there were weird things such as a pumpkin, some lights, a black ghost, a cat, a witch hat and soemthing that oddly looked like a pair of bones. Zayn squinted. "What that?"

"It's a skeleton," Harry answered.

"Oh, yeah, Jayn know!" Zayn said and slapped his forehead. "It on TV when lightning comes and people awe like." His body spasmed and he tried to recreate the sound. "Zzzzz."

The boys chuckled and Niall ruffled his hair. "Okay kiddo, now, we're going to climb onto the roof and set the lights. You and Harry are going to stick and set the other things."

Zayn nodded determinedly. "Okay."

Half and hour later Zayn and Harry were finished with placing the black cats (who's eyes apparently lighted up) up on the gate. They gave the ghost for Liam to hang on the chimney, and decorated the house with the pumpkin (a smile was carved on it) and the witch hat. In the end, they hung up the skeleton right inside the gate for everyone to see. Zayn grinned as he pulled the skeleton's hand up and waved at a pair of big kids that were walking with huge bags on their shoulders.

They suddenly heard yelling and Louis' screaming from above. Zayn looked up and saw that Louis was hanging in the air, with his hands clasped tightly on the ledge. His feet were dangling and Niall was laughing loudly. Zayn gasped as Niall tripped over a bunch of lights in the process and was about to fall on top of Louis, but Liam grabbed him and saved him.

"Liam shtwong," Zayn commented and looked at Harry who was looking at Louis worriedly. Only Preston and Mike were here today and the two were playing cards. Preston looked up and smirked at Louis. "Still don't need any help?"

"This is not the time!" Louis yelped. Zayn tilted his head and looked at the several meter fall. "Loueh you gonna fall ouch."

Louis looked down at him with an exasperated look. "You think!? Harry, Mike, help me out here!"

Liam, who was holding the chimney with one hand and Niall with the other, pulled the funny accented lad up. Mike and Harry walked forward and held their hands out, motioning for Louis to jump off. Zayn glanced at them and ran over so that he was standing right under Louis. He held his small hands out too and repeated what Harry had just said. "Loueh jusht fall, we can catch you!"

Louis let go and fell somewhere between Harry and Mike, though the two were able to grab him. Zayn couldn't help but notice how tiny he looked between the two. He took a step forward and placed his hand under Louis' back, so it looked like he'd caught him too. Zayn then smiled widely. "Look, we catch you."

Louis got back on his feet and cleared his throat. "No, Zayn I jumped off and survived. Now, I've got to go back and help with the lights."

Zayn watched him disappear back in the house, and he giggled when he noticed the dirt smudged on the back of his jeans. "It looksh like poopy."

Harry looked at him funnily, amusement on his face. "Go tell him that and he'll chase you around."

Zayn smiled slowly and pointed to the skeleton. "Michtew shkleton gonna help Jayn. He scawe Loueh away."

"Can your Mr. Skleton do this!?" Louis yelled from above. Zayn looked up to see him on the roof again, this time with a switch in hand. He clicked on it and orange lights ran across the roof. Zayn grinned excitedly.

Halloween was sooo sick.

Next chapter's going to be fun (:
I've decided Niall and Liam's costumes, but I'm unsure of what Larry will dress up as. Any ideas?


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