"My shtwawbewwiesh"

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"Yesh!" Zayn exclaimed and threw his arms around Liam's neck. Liam laughed and hugged the boy back. "But we don't have costumes, so we'll have to buy them before tomorrow night."

Zayn grinned as he pulled back, eyes sparkling green-brown in the light. "Am eccshited."

Liam guessed that meant excited. He kissed his nose and lifted him up. "Me too, Halloween is fun. Like birthdays."

Zayn's face fell. "Biwthday not fun."

"Wasn't Niall's birthday fun?" Liam asked gently as he grabbed Zayn's bag.

Zayn smiled slightly. "It wash. We eat cake, Loueh put cake on Hawwy and Jayn give Niall blue pencil!"

Liam's face brightened. "Hey, you said Niall. This morning too, Niall told me you said Niall."

Zayn put his hand to his head. Liam blinked, not believing that the kid just facepalmed. He looked in amusement as Zayn facepalmed another time, looking exasperated. "I alwaysh shay Niall."

"Nah, you sound more depressing, you say Nawwwiall."

"I don't!" Zayn argued. Liam kissed his cheek and handed him his bag to put on. "Yes you do, now keep yourself under the umbrella. It's raining outside."

Of course, Zayn just did the total opposite. As soon as they were out of the building, Liam hurried out the gates towards their car where Paddy was waiting for them. It was pounding on the ground around them, and their ears were filled with tick-tick sounds as rain splattered on the umbrella. Zayn leaned away from him, peeking up at the sky, out of the umbrella's range. "Leeyum, it'sh waining."

"Really? I didn't know," Liam said sarcastically as he pulled Zayn's rain splattered face back.

"Now you do know," Zayn said with a mischievous grin, eyelashes dripping. "Jayn told you now."


"We're invited this year too," Louis said as he typed away on his phone. He grabbed another strawberry from the bowl in Zayn's lap and popped it in his mouth. "We're going right?"

Zayn tore his gaze away from the TV and looked down at the strawberries with a confused look. He probably noticed that there was only one left. "Whewe my bewwy go?"

"Dunno," Louis said and lifted his phone to hide his grin.

"Loueh," Zayn said, crossing his arms. "Hawwy! Loueh took my bewwwiesh."

Harry peeked out of the kitchen, raising an eyebrow. "Lou, those were his. I can't believe you ate them too."

"He eat my gwapesh too!" Zayn complained. Liam snickered as Louis groaned. "Yeah, but we never had berries here before, or grapes. You know I love berries too. Now suddenly, everyone's grocery shopping for berries."

"Because Zayn likes them," Harry said and held his hand out. Zayn ran over to him and handed him the bowl. "Last bowl. Keep your hands away, Louis."

Zayn turned to Louis and pointed a finger at him. "Yesh, keep away."

Louis raised his hands up in surrender. "Fine." Liam noticed the chat on his phone and tilted his head. "Aren't we going to tell Zayn about the conditions?"

"Yeah, but Neil wanted to be here for that," Louis grumbled as he watched Zayn bounce over to sit beside Liam with a bowl of fresh strawberries.

"Aww, you don't want to sit beside Louis?" Liam jested, sending Louis a grin.

Zayn nodded and sat down in Liam's lap, bowl in hand. He was munching a berry so Liam swiftly grabbed one of the other. Zayn didn't notice, eyes back on the cartoon on TV, something called Gravity Falls.

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