Harry nudged his arm. "Sure? I can mess it up if you want."

"Am shuwe," Zayn said and frowned at the camera, his own face looking back up at him, the bun sticking up like a unicorn horn. Maybe he could wear this to kindergarten. He thought of his friends back home and whether they would tease him. No, no bunny in kindergarten, he told himself firmly.

They arrived at the coffee shop minutes later. Liam and Harry hurried inside, hat and beanie pulled down their faces. Zayn huffed to catch up with them, his hand in Harry's. The cold air hit his cheeks, the NY night a lot colder than the day. They sat down at a table in a corner, Zayn rubbing his cold cheeks as he did. "It'sh coold."

"Yes it is," Liam said and tightened the scarf around his neck. "Coffee for me, hot chocolate for Zee and you Harry, what do you want?"

Zayn smiled at the nickname and swung his feet absentmindedly, something he did when he was happy or hyper. Or both.

"Hot chocolate with cream," Harry replied and Liam went to go order. Zayn looked around. "Is thewe playgwound hewe too?"

Harry smiled and shook his head, taking off his hat. His hair fell down, just above his shoulders. "Nope, that's just McDonald's."

"Oh," Zayn said in disappointment. "Can we go to McDonald's?"

"Not at the moment, no," Harry said gently. "We just ate."

"Okay," Zayn said, not whining or complaining once he'd been told no.

Liam walked back with three mugs, one a little smaller than the other two. "It's hot Zayn, so be careful."

Zayn sat up straighter and touched the mug carefully. He recoiled with a hiss. "It'sh hot."

"That's what I said," Liam deadpanned, handing Harry his mug and sitting down.

Zayn had to wait a whole hour (Harry claimed it was only five minutes, but the boy is sure it was an hour) before he could get to drink.

The beverage was good and he sipped carefully, the liquid still a little warm to his throat.

"We should sleep early tonight," Liam said and stifled a yawn. He brought the mug to his lips. "Little idiotic to be drinking coffee."

Harry chuckled at that and Zayn refrained from poking the dimple in his cheek, because it was there.

"How will we all sleep though? There are only two beds, and now we're five persons," Liam mused.

"I bet Simon wouldn't order two rooms even if he could have," Harry mumbled. "He's going to continue with this pretending Zayn doesn't exist, isn't he?"

Liam nodded gravely. "Unfortunately."

"Shimon bad," Zayn blurted, just wanting them to know that Simon was bad.

"I know, but you're safe with us," Liam assured him. He leaned forward and wiped the brown milk mustache off his lips, and Zayn grinned.

They ended up taking stroll down the street instead of Mike pulling up from the parking lot. Colored lights illuminated the relatively small park beside them, and Zayn looked at them in awe. He grabbed Harry's hand and then Liam's, pulling them towards the park and one tree which had almost shed all it's leaves. "Wanna play? Let'sh play!"

"Not now, maybe another time," Liam told him and Zayn huffed. "But I want to play now."

He gasped as leaves hit his face and he turned to Harry who grinned at him. "I think I should be the leaf man," he challenged.

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