"We not family now"

Start from the beginning

Louis smirked and held a finger up. "Ah ah ah, not exactly. Because there is no place where it's written that Zayn is adopted for charity or for our image. There are two papers, one about us and our image and the other about Zayn becoming a part of our family."

Simon clenched his jaw and snatched the papers from Louis, his eyes skimming down the page.

"And since you tried to affiliate it with a fake girlfriend, let me tell you. If the fake girlfriend signed adoption papers into one of our families, you would not be able to control her. Family member. Unless the person is willing to take responsibility."

Louis turned to Zayn with a soft smile. "Are you willing to go to the family, Zayn? For the sake of our image?"

Zayn looked at Simon and tried to put on his best scary and stern face. "No." Simon was the kind of person who didn't even deserve candy on Saturdays.

The other three boys were shocked, to say the least. Liam looked like he might kiss Louis, Harry looked like he'd start dancing and Niall bursted out laughing. "He's right!"

Simon glared at them, but he wasn't saying anything against either.

Louis smirked. "So you see, Zayn is our responsibility. We decide anything related to him and you have no control. Unless Zayn wants to share the burden, which you call responsibility. Do you Zayn?"

Zayn didn't know what was going on, but he shook his head again.

"Listen, this is what's best for him," Simon started. Niall snorted and snatched the papers from him. He threw them on the table and pocketed his hands. "It's been a nice day, see ya Simon."

"I can control what you do," Simon said calmly. "And I say you're not allowed to take him on the today show. And what's this about Preston driving him to kindergarten? He's security, not babysitter. Do it yourselves."

Louis rolled his eyes. "And you call us childish. Fine, we'll gladly do it."

"Family members aren't allowed to taint your image as well and that's what he's doing," Simon argued exasperatedly.

"He won't be giving statements," Harry said, a scowl on his face. "And we're just getting more press from this, so you shouldn't be bothered at all."

Simon purses his lips. "And the Boone family?"

"They're not our family members, so they're your problem," Niall laughed. Harry and Liam smiled. Louis looked smug. Zayn pressed his palms together, confused and afraid.

"I'll make it hard for him," Simon warned. "You don't know how to look after a child."

"I have like seven siblings, Shimon, we'll manage," Louis said and waved. "Bye. Tell Jeff that next time if he's on our side, he better stand up then. He's such a p-" Louis glanced at Zayn and stopped. "Ok then time to go."

Zayn turned around and walked towards the door, the boys behind him. What was going on? Was he going to the other family or not? If he was, then now was his chance to escape. They walked down the hall, passing the family who were standing in the hallway to the right. Zayn preparers himself to run, the elevator just in sight. He wiped his face and sniffled, now was his chance.

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