- What happened to Wali?
She-she...Jayn don't know 😞
- What would you do if Wali came back?
Jayn be mean and don't shay hello and then not talk.

- How is life?
Huh? It'sh good
- How's kindergarten?
- Do you love me?
No, Jayn only love Nawiall, Leeyum, Hawwy and Loueh. And mum...and Wali.
- Zayn, if management forced the boys to send you away, would you still love them?
What ish magement? Jayn love boysh becaushe they pwomishe not to shend me away! 😊

- Zayn, I hope you know the boys love you very much, do you know that kiddo?
Oh...yesh Jayn know. I love too.

- Are you ever going to call the boys something different from their names, like dad or daddy
Uhm no, boysh ish Jayn'sh boysh not daddy. They not like daddy.

- Who's your favorite out of the four guys?
Leeyum. Leeyum and Loueh.

- Love u boo, will you marry me?
Sure why not, let's have kids as well 😂
- If you mess with Zayn again we're gonna jump you kapeesh
I didn't quite understand that, but I take it that I shouldn't mess with Zayn 🤔

- You're brilliant with handling kids. Planning any kids of your own soon?
Well, even though it's quite early, I think Zayn is one. I don't love him like I love my brother, y'know? But getting married and all that, it would have to wait when my life slows down and I'm a free man. For now, I'm enjoying life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

- How much do you love Zayn?
As much as you love me, maybe more. Definitely more.
- Can we have another Zouis, Louis?
Zouis will never die ✌🏼️
- Stop making my baby say shitting before we fight and also are you and Harold dating?
And yes.

- From 1-10 how much do u dislike Simon?
Favorite question so far! The answer is 11

- Why do you hate Simon sooo much?
Well if you were asleep the last chapter, let me tell you that I dislike him because he deserves to be dislike. He deserves to be hated because all he cares about is the fucking money 😠

- Are you planning to have any kids soon? You know, like your own son and name him, oh I don't know, Freddie Tomlinson maybe?
Wow that was pretty random. Haven't thought that into the future, but if I'm gonna get married and all, it would have to be after the band. But yeah, the name Freddie is nice.

- Are you crazy about Zayn?
Who's not crazy about him? He's a complete angel with a tiny devilish side and he's shy and has a horrid past, but he still trudged forward.

- What is your favorite joke?
That's a hard one...hmm. I don't know, probably something to do with Liam's choice of clothes.

- Describe Zayn in three words?
Innocent. Cute. Kind. 💕

- R u gonna give Zayn up to them?
Like hell. I dont want to, but at the same time I don't know how to be able to keep him. That bastard has clearly made his mind.

- Louis, can you make a plans so they can't take Zayn away?
I'm trying, but I've got nothing at the moment. I don't want to see Zayn's trust and love for us disappear.

- Will you use a spoon if Zayn asks you to?
Well, I don't like used spoons. That's why I'm a bit jittery when feeding him, but I can manage yeah. It depends on the food, really. If it's something messy and something I dislike, then I'd have to give the job to one of the other boys.

- What's interesting about Zayn?
He's so pure. He knows nothing of the world, and I fear he has been disclosed from the world all his life. He only knows what he has experienced, and he's a pretty smart kid. The world makes him curious and I don't think he's fully aware of what has happened to him. I wanna change his view of things, show him love like nobody has. Despite never getting much love, he can love so much. I'm sure he'll grow up to become a caring person.

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