"Come on, let'sh go to Mandosh"

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Niall nodded and Zayn jumped up. "Jayn get namnam." He turned to Louis and tugged on his hand. "Come on, let'sh go to Mandosh."

Louis smiled at how cute Zayn was and instead of standing up, he pulled Zayn towards him, kissing his cheeks. Zayn froze at first, but then wiped his face with a grimace.

"Do you guys want to?" Niall asked his parents who nodded. Bobby smiled at Zayn. "Yeah, let's go."

Liam clapped his hands together. "Great then. Everybody get ready, we meet up here in exactly one hour."

Maura and Bobby walked up the stairs and Zayn tugged at Louis' hands. "Go pick your clothes out and Louis will come," Liam said with a smile, his eyes very well indicating he was sending everyone away. They were going to have a talk. Louis frowned, Zayn running up the stairs. He wanted to dramatically hold his hands out to Zayn and yell don't leave me here, but the child was oblivious to Liam's tone.

Knowing very well what was in store for him, Louis turned to glare at Niall. The snitch. Niall scratched the back of his neck, looking everywhere but at him.
"What the hell happened last night?" Liam asked, spinning around. Harry turned around to face Louis as soon as Zayn was gone. Louis sighed, shooting Niall another look.
"I just thought this should be included in the ZaynInfoComittee," Niall said with a shrug. The ZaynInfoComittee was a committee they made to collect information about Zayn's past so that they all could get to know him better and not repeat the same mistakes that one person had. Good things were included, although they were often easier to spot. Like Zayn's favorite juice was apple, or his favorite breakfast was pancakes.

Louis turned to the boys and explained that he'd been awake at night since he couldn't sleep and then further what happened after Zayn woke up. Liam had this horrified expression in the start and Louis slapped his arm, annoyed. "Listen me out, I didn't do anything stupid." He then explained about the bottle. Louis stood up and went to the kitchen, grabbing the exact bottle to show to them. "This one."

"Are you crazy!?" Niall yelped, glancing at the stairs. "If Zayn comes, he'll jump on my bones."

Louis showed the bottle one last time before putting it back. His heart hurt to think that a beer bottle like this was what Zayn considered a weapon. When he sat back on the sofa, Liam and Harry seemed in deep thought.

"Do you think...his father was a drunk?" Liam asked, face hard. Louis kicked the leg of the coffee table. "I don't think so, I know so. The expression on his face was pure fear. "

Zayn walked down the stairs hurriedly, almost tripping. He had changed into a red shirt and black trousers, the shirt inside out. "Loueh!"

"Coming, coming," Louis told him, standing up. Liam stood up and hugged Zayn tightly, kissing the crown of his head. Zayn looked confused but he hugged back and Louis found it amazing how he now was comfortable with physical contact with them.

"Shophia bad?" Zayn asked, turning to figure out in his own kiddy way what the hug was for. Liam chuckled, crouching down and kissing Zayn's forehead. "Nope, Zayn good. That's why. Besides, I'm just in the mood to hug. Come on." He opened his arms and smiled, leaning in to hug him again.

"That reminds me, Sophia was at the party," Niall mused. Louis spun around to glare at him. They'd agreed to not mention that.

Liam scowled. "What?"

"Yeah, Andy invited her thinking you guys were still together. He obviously didn't know you two weren't going to be there." Niall threw him a look. "You haven't told him yet."

Liam sighed and shook his head. "I was going to tell him yesterday, but then my drunken friends intruded and-"

"- and turned you from Liam bear to grizzly bear," Louis said sarcastically, making Harry and Niall laugh.

Zayn crossed his arms. "Shophia bad, make Leeyum shad." He turned to Liam and grabbed his arm, turning his back to them and tugging on his hand. "Come, Leeyum, we go."

Louis turned to Liam with a sheepish smile. "Doesn't matter anyway. She came even though she knew you guys were over." Liam thought about that and nodded slowly, gently backing away as Zayn continued to use all of his force to tug on his hand. "And Liam, thanks," Louis said, remembering that he'd been the one to prevent Zayn from thinking bad about him. He nodded towards Zayn who was tugging so hard, Louis was afraid he'd fall on the stairs.

Liam shook his head. "Mistakes happen." He turned around and Zayn nearly fell, but Liam was quick to catch him. "Come kiddo!" Zayn whined and Liam chuckled. "Coming, coming, let's go."

Louis watched as they went upstairs, a smile on his lips. The child responsibility shit was hard, but they would have to catch up. Even though he hadn't admitted it out aloud yet, Louis realized his mistake. Zayn's happiness came before everything, especially the three year old's ruined view of things.

They needed to tug him out of the past, together.

Double update because u're awesome people who make my day with comments (: Also, was this chapter ok? I feel like it's weird, idk, like it doesn't make sense. I've barely slept so maybe it's just me 🤔


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