"But don't shay yesh"

Start from the beginning

Zayn sighed in defeat, crossing his arms. "But Jayn wanna shtay with Louis."

"You still like me?" Louis muttered as he rummaged the fridge. Zayn nodded in confusion. "Jayn like evewyone."

Louis pulled out an orange juice carton, cheese, cucumber and placed them on the island. "If I make you milk, will you sleep?"

Zayn shook his head. "No. Jayn will shleep if you make milk and shleep with Jayn."

Louis placed the things back, pulling out a blue milk carton and a glass bottle. "So I'll make you milk and then you can go sleep with Harry."

"But why, Jayn wanna shleep with Louis," Zayn protested. Louis looked up from the fridge and shot him a look. "Liam won't like that, trust me."

"Liam bad," Zayn said, huffing. Louis sighed. "He's not bad, he's just ugh. They're protective over you, heck, I'm too. But I didn't mean to hurt anyone. Like where did they get that idea from?" Zayn felt confused. Louis noticed and scratched the back of his neck. "You're just a kid, you won't even understand."

Feeling offended, Zayn frowned. "Since Niall's parents are here for his birthday, you'll get to know them better. Harry and Liam are just extra worried because they're here too. Or maybe it's just you." Louis shook his head, pulling out a red milk carton and placed it on the counter beside Zayn. He then picked up the other milk carton and the glass bottle.

Zayn's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. It was almost like in slow mo as he stared at the bottle in Louis' hands. It was the exact bottle.
No. No no no. A soft gasp escaped his lips as Zayn's heartbeat quickened.

Louis placed the blue milk carton back, his attention turning towards Zayn. "What? Hat happened? Why did you gasp?"

Zayn didn't know what to do. He felt scared but confused at the same time. After assuring himself that it was indeed the same bottle he'd seen almost his whole life, he turned his attention to Louis' confused face. Zayn swallowed thickly, heart leaping out of his chest. "W-what?"

"Everything okay?" Louis asked, eyes moving towards the bottle in his hand. He frowned at first, eyes widening with realization before he put the bottle back in the fridge. He turned to Zayn worriedly. "You okay?"

Zayn shook his head, feeling his throat close up. He flinched when Louis took a step toward him, hands raising. "Dwon't be angwy," Zayn squeaked in fear, hands flying to cover his face.

"Zayn, I'm not angry," Louis said, sounding hurt. Zayn pulled his hands away. He needed to trust him, Louis would never hurt him. Despite the racing of his heart, Zayn swallowed and looked Louis in the eye. Like a lightbulb, it clicked for him what was going on. Zayn slid off the chair, almost hurting himself in the process. He then ran out of the kitchen as fast as he could, Louis on his heels. "Zayn, wait!"

Zayn didn't wait though and he raced up the stairs. But Louis was older and longer, and he caught up quickly. He grabbed Zayn and pressed a hand to the toddler's mouth. "Shh, it's fine, everything fine. Calm down, please."

Zayn struggled against Louis, goosebumps rising on his skin. "Loueh," he said, feeling terrified now that Louis wasn't letting him go. Louis turned him around, eyes sad. "Zayn, shh. I'm not going to hurt you, okay? Look." He slowly pulled his hands away from Zayn, raising them in the air in surrender. "Everyone's sleeping," he said quietly, placing a finger to his lips. "Shh."

Zayn faintly remembered when Louis had thought him that, the day they'd bought all the candy and had snuck out of the boring perfume release. Now the symbol only seemed like an enemy. Zayn turned around and sprinted into Niall's room, glad the door was already open. He threw himself on the bed, breathing heavily. "Nawiall! Nawiall! Wake up, Nawiall! Louis going to huwt you."

Louis entered the room, a lost look on his face. "Zayn, I'm not-"

Zayn shot him a glare, tears welling in his eyes. Niall wasn't waking up and he was all alone now.

Louis swallowed. "Zayn, trust me. We're best friends, yeah? I would never hurt you or Niall."

Niall stirred now, frowning at the voices. Zayn jumped in glee, shaking the older boy. "Nawiall, pweashe."

Niall's eyes fluttered open and he sat up with a groan. "What's going on here?"
"Loueh give you biwthday pweshent," Zayn said rushed, hands moving as he tried to explain the situation. "But don't shay yesh." He turned to Louis. "Don't huwt Niall."

"I won't," Louis said weekly, standing by the door. He exchanged looks with Niall and Zayn was pulled into Niall's lap. The older lad yawned and rubbed his eyes before saying something. "Ya see kiddo. I don't think Louis was going to hurt me in the first place."

Zayn shook his head, turning to look at Louis warily. But the boy wasn't moving, standing in the doorway. And Zayn frowned, now noticing that he didn't even have the bottle in hand. He slowly began to calm down, arms slumping by his sides. "Oh."

Niall rubbed his back. "We never hurt eachother. We're the laddy lads. And now you're a part of us too."

Zayn sighed, rubbing his eyes. He looked away from Louis, feeling embarrassed that he'd been wrong. "Ok," he told Niall, crawling over to the other side. "Can Jayn shleep with you?"

Niall nodded. "Come on." They lay down, the duvet spread over them. "Jiam ish alone," Zayn said suddenly, remembering he'd left him alone.

"Don't worry, Harry's with him," Louis said, sighing. "Good night guys."
Niall and he exchanged looks before Louis left, leaving the door ajar.

Zayn snuggled into the covers, hugging Niall's arm tightly and burying his nose in his shoulder. He knew he trusted the boys. By now, they had never hurt him and Louis was stupid sometimes. But the fear of them hurting each other still stuck to his mind.

I' so conflicted about who I feel bad for the most, Louis or Zayn :/

The comments on the previous chapter were so wonderful. I loved reading all of your point of views. The feedback is so positive towards this story, you make me want to update quicker hehe 😊

So here's another update, and comment for double update?

😘😘 lots of love

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