"Why ish Leeyum shad?"

Start from the beginning

Zayn's grin dropped and he crossed his arms. "Nawiall biwthday. Hawwy and Loueh ish mean."

"What did they do?" Liam questioned, and Zayn decided he could trust him. "They going to give Nawiall shupwishe. Biwthday shupwishe," Zayn said, eyes widening as he faintly remembered how that had been for him. "Nawiall vewy niche!" he cried out, tears welling in his eyes. "No biwthday. Leeyum, pleashe. Pleashe no biwthday."

Liam's face fell. "Zayn, I didn't know. Do you know what a birthday is?"

Zayn nodded. Wali had told him. "Biwthday ish when Nawiall ish twee and have to be caweful and Hawwy and Loueh going to punish him."

Liam shook his head, scooting closer. He picked Zayn up and set him in his lap. "No Zaynie, it's when someone turns older. Like before you were three, you were two and then one."

Zayn frowned, shaking his head. "Leeyum, you dwon't know. That's not biwthday."

Liam smiled. "Trust me, I do. That's what a birthday is. It's fun and nice."

"But-but Hawwy and Loueh punish Nawiall!" Zayn exclaimed, confused as to who had planted the idea of a birthday being nice in Liam's head.

"No they won't," Liam said. He looked Zayn in the eyes. "Did you get punished on your birthday?"

Zayn swallowed, a weird lump in his throat. Tears welled up in his eyes and he nodded. "Shiw wash angwy."

"Sir? Zayn, you mean your dad," Liam said softly.

Zayn nodded. "Jayn dad. Look, he did dish on biwthday." He stood up and zipped down his sweater, taking it off. Since he was wearing a white t-shirt, his arms were bare. Zayn tried to find the spot where he'd been hit on his right arm.

Zayn finally found it, the red line that curled on the underside still visible. Liam swallowed as Zayn tried to show him it. "Look."

"He did this to you?" Liam whispered. Zayn nodded, pressing the palms of his hands to his eyes. "Jayn dad did." He hugged Liam tightly. "Dwon't let Hawwy and Loueh do to Nawiall."

Liam hugged him back and Zayn felt as if the back of his shirt was getting wet. "They will never, Zayn. Birthdays aren't like that at all."

Zayn sighed. Liam didn't know. He wondered when Liam's birthday would be and when he'd turn three. Whenever it was, Zayn would protect him from everybody. Especially Sophia.


"We've been waiting for ages!" Harry exclaimed when they walked down the stairs. Zayn tightened his grip on Liam's hand. "Jayn and Leeyum not ajee with Hawwy and Loueh."

Liam shook his head, crouching down. "Agree."

Zayn turned to Harry again. "Agwee."

"Agree about what?" Niall asked, eating a brownie. Zayn narrowed his eyes. As much as he loved the boy and wanted to protect him, he was the enemy. "No eat without Jayn!"

Liam nodded. "Look Zayn, he'll munch on all the brownies. Go stop him."

Zayn nodded determinedly. He'd have to deal with the other two later. Releasing Liam's hand, he hurried forward and grabbed a brownie from the remaining five. Niall chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Don't worry, kiddo. I won't eat it all."

Zayn tilted his head, grabbing two brownies and hiding them behind his back. "Okay." He then grabbed one with his mouth and waved at Niall with a brownie filled hand. "Bwye kidjo!"

Louis laughed, picking him up and setting him down. "You okay?"

Zayn nodded. Why wouldn't he be? He took a bite out of the chocolate deliciousness. Yeah, why wouldn't he be? Forgetting how angry he had been, Zayn continued to eat.

"Guys, I have to tell you something," Liam said nervously. "Sophia and I broke up."

Zayn stopped chewing, raising his fist. "Mean Shophia." He made a face and turned to them. "What did Shophia bwake?"

"It means they're not friends anymore," Louis said, eyes wide. He turned back to Liam. "Out of the blue? Man, what happened?"

"She didn't have time for me and told me I wasn't spending enough time with her," he said angrily. Liam sighed. "We've been arguing for a few days. She's been really busy and her whole life has changed. Her aunt's getting better and she says she doesn't have place for me." He looked down, a small pout on his face. Zayn threw a brownie at him.

Liam's head snapped up. "Ow, what was that for?"

Zayn grinned toothily. "Dwon't be shad. Eat bwownie."

"The kid has a point," Niall said with a chuckle. Harry patted Liam's back. "I'm sure you'll feel better. If she can really throw you out of her life as quickly, then her feelings have changed. Besides, she might just be busy now."

"Who broke up with who?" Louis mused. Liam shrugged, hiding his face in his hands. "I implied it and then she just went away and did." He looked up, lips turned down. "I didn't actually think we'd break up."

"Come on, mate. You don't need her, she's strong she'll be okay. And you, well you're a lion," Niall said.

Zayn shook his head in disagreement. He wiped the chocolate crumbs from his mouth. "Leeyum ish a teddy."

"In mood for some whisky?" Louis asked. Liam nodded. "Definitely, man."

Zayn looked up with a confused expression on his face. "Jayn want witchkey too."

"No." "Nope." "Sorry, kiddo." "Never happening."

Zayn huffed, crossing his arms. "Jayn shad too. Shophia bwoke Jayn." He turned to Niall, nodding seriously. "But Jayn shtill lion."

The boys laughed and Liam ruffled his hair, picking him up. "Nice try, little guy. What about some apple juice?"


Hope you liked the chapter!
My lil' Liam ❤️
Isn't Zayn just the cutest? 😊

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xx Big Love

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