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TW : Kidnapping, Gun, Yelling, Blood, Death


Maya's POV :

After insisting, the officer agreed to let us go with him. He drove us to the location his patrol gave him and we ended up in front of an abandoned garage. We all jumped out of the car and were met by the patrol and the paramedics.

"Where is she ?? Where is my daughter ?!" I screamed.

"Calm down mam. She's still in the garage. She doesn't want to move, she doesn't want to cooperate."

"Let me go ! Let me go talk to her, please..." I cried, begging the policeman.

He sighed but nodded and led us to the garage. The large door was slightly open down, at our feet. Some policemen were crouched down, trying to talk to the person in the garage. But no voice could be heard in response.

My wife and I pushed everyone out of our way and crouched behind the door. When I looked inside, the view I had almost cut my breath.

Celeste was there, obviously hurt, but she was there and alive

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Celeste was there, obviously hurt, but she was there and alive. But Lauren wasn't. She was laying motionless on the ground, blood pouring from various parts of her body. When I looked back at my daughter, I noticed a gun in her small and dirty hands. She was shaking like a leaf, her eyes wide open, staring at the dead soul a few inches away from her. The blood coming from Lauren was streaming down on the floor, forming a pool around her, and also around my baby girl.

I thought I was going to pass out when I understood the whole situation. Carina, next to me, let out the most heartbreaking scream I heard in my whole life. She collapsed on the floor and the officer had to hold her or she would have hit her head.

The two previous policemen tried to talk to Celeste again. "Put the gun down. Slowly. Please Celeste, look at us. You have to set the gun down."

But our daughter looked like she couldn't hear what was said to her. And I knew it was my job to help her. "Celeste, baby come to me. Come to mo- Maya. You're safe now, we'll never leave you again. Please, drop the gun and come to me."

She still wasn't listening so I decided I had to go

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She still wasn't listening so I decided I had to go. I crawled under the door to enter the garage.

"Captain ! Captain Bishop don't do that !" Shouted the officer, but I kept crawling until I was fully inside and I could stand up. I tip-toed quickly to my daughter, avoiding the blood sticking to the floor. When I was close enough to Celeste, I kneeled in front of her.

"Can you look at me sweetie ? Can you look at mo-..." I breathed. "Look at mommy. Look at me Celeste, mommy's here now." I sighed when she stayed motionless. "Baby, hand me the gun. It's too dangerous for you. Give it to me." I insisted and gently put my hand on her leg. Her eyes slowly drifted to meet mines, and they were full of fear.

"Oh my baby... Give me the gun. Please." I tried one last time, before carefully lifting my other hand and placing it on hers.

I heard the policemen gasping behind me as I very delicately ungrasped her little fingers from the gun. She had a hard grip on it, but I was still stronger and I managed without harsh movements to take it from her. As soon as the gun was in my possession, and made it slide on the ground in the direction of the garage's door. A policeman immediately caught it and ran away with it.

"Now you can open the door." Instructed another policeman and the large door started to open wide. The sudden loud noise made Celeste shiver harder and look around her all panicky. I had no choice but to take her in my arms, and hold her tightly, so that's what I did. She didn't struggle against me but her shaking was worst and it really scared me to see her in such a bad state. When I lifted her from the floor, I could feel how light she was, even lighter than before.

I walked to the entrance of the garage, where my wife was crying her eyes out, reaching for us.

I walked to the entrance of the garage, where my wife was crying her eyes out, reaching for us

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"Oh my god ! Oh my god, oh my god Maya oh my god" She repeated until we were next to her. "Celeste ! How is she ?" She turned to me and I just shook my head, not knowing what to do or answer.

The paramedics ran to us and tried to take her away from me but I insisted, I couldn't be separated from my little girl once again.

So I sat on the gurney, with Celeste still in my arms, and Carina standing next to us, wiping her tears and regulating her breathing.

We quickly arrived at the hospital, not knowing what to say to the doctors. Fortunately, when the paramedics opened the truck's door, the officer was there with his patrol. They exchanged a few words with Arizona Robbins, Meredith Grey and Amelia Shepherd who were all there.

Then we were rolled to a trauma room, where Meredith asked me to step away. She needed to examine Celeste, who was still shaking like a leaf in my arms.

I managed to set her on the gurney, and this time, she was fighting it. She wanted to stay in my embrace.

"You're a brave girl Celeste, mommy is right there, I'm not going anywhere but you need to let the doctors take a look at you."

"I'm going to sedate her." Stated sadly Arizona as our daughter wasn't calming down. And after a quick forced injection in her arm, she stopped fussing and just looked at us with empty eyes.

"Now let us do our job. Go be with your wife, she'll be okay." Ordered Meredith and I reluctantly did what she said.

" Ordered Meredith and I reluctantly did what she said

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