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TW : Fainting

Carina's POV :

I was delighted by the show at the aquarium. I knew it was a nice place but I was so happy it was that great. As I was watching in awe the different lights coloring the whole room, my eyes fell on Bianca. She looked amazed, but she suddenly brought her hand to her head, holding it. She scrubbed her eyes a few times until she lost her balance and reached for the nearest basin.

I ran to her side and was able to take a hold of her before she collapsed on the ground.

The little teen wasn't unconscious, but her body was nearly motionless so I decided to make us sit on the floor. We weren't in the middle of the crowd, fortunately we were near a wall so people weren't really minding us.

Bianca's eyes fluttered close and I knew she was going to pass out, but I wasn't panicking because I knew with her POTS, we needed to prepare ourselves for these episodes to happen often. I made her lay her head on my lap, facing me. I stroked her face, again applying pressure on her cold nose to remind her brain to breathe.

I could feel she was holding her breathe so I kept tickling her nose to make her breathe. I was holding her wrist with my other hand, taking her pulse and mentally trying to calculate since when we were on the ground, because I thought Maya must be worried not finding us in this big place.

I sighed, seeing Bianca was still laying motionless on my lap, and took my phone from my back pocket. I pressed on Maya's picture to call her.

"Where are you ? Is Bianca with you ?!" She asked panicked.

"She's with me bambina, no need to worry. I would like you to go search for an employee because Bianca is passed out on me actually."I explained calmly, being extra careful not to stress my wife even more.

"O- okay. Where are you ?"

I quickly explained her our location and she arrived few minutes later with an employee from the aquarium.

"Is everything okay here ? How can I help ?" He gently asked. At the same time Maya crouched in front of me, and stroked Bianca's hair. She looked very sad at the sight of the little unconscious girl.

"Is there a quieter room where we can go ? She has a fainting syndrome. She's fine but I want to make sure she recovers well from her dizzy spell." I answered the employee.

He nodded and asked if I wanted him to carry Bianca, but I shook my head. I didn't want my sweet girl to wake up in some stranger's arms. So I lifted her, and even if a motionless body is heavier than the normal, Bianca was particularly light so I managed to hold her to a little room with a couch.

"It's the room we use when someone is not feeling great. You have water here, some sugar and you can lay down for how long you need, well, she needs." He finished pointing his head to Bianca.

We thanked him and he left, letting my wife and I alone with the still unconscious girl.

I kept tickling her nose and Maya kept stroking her hair until her eyes started to flutter open. She took a little while to open them but as soon as they did, her cheeks were all flushed and she regained some colors on her face.

"Hi there sweetheart." Maya smiled.

"Hi.." She weakly answered.

"You fainted in the main gallery. We're at the aquarium baby. Do you remember what happened ?" I questioned her.

"I- I think I felt lightheaded when... I can't remember when." She tried her hardest to think about it.

"It was when the lights were flickering. It must have triggered an episode. How are you feeling right now ?"

"Better. I guess." She simply said.

"Well, you're going to rest a little while longer, drink some water and eat something before we come home." I instructed, but Bianca's face became sad.

"What is it baby ?" Asked Maya, noticing like me that the little girl wanted to cry.

"I- I don't want to leave so soon. We didn't even had the time to see the sea stars." The teen wiped few tears.

"Oh honey. We'll come back if that's what you want. But I really don't think that's a good idea for you to walk all throughout the aquarium, in the middle of the crowd, with the temperature changing between the rooms and the loud noises and the lights..." I enumerated the potentials triggers that could lead her to faint again, as she was already weak.

At the same time, the employee from before showed up again.

"We're all better. We'll be going soon." I thanked him but he noticed the crying teenager next to me.

"If it can help you feel better, there is some empty rooms with a clear environment waiting for someone to visit them." He suggested with a grin, as he clearly understood the situation.

"Really ??" Bianca asked, standing up very fast and falling back on the couch almost immediately.

"Yes, but I would suggest you to take this wheelchair to prevent any fall." He gently proposed, taking a wheelchair from under a table.

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