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Maya's POV :

We had a calm day when we arrived in Italy. The next day, we had things planned. Mostly surprises for the girls as we wanted time for just the two of us with Carina.

I was laying in bed, enjoying the soft morning sun warming my face when I felt a dip on my side of the bed. I opened my eyes to be met with Celeste's sleepy eyes.

"Hi munchkin."

"Mommy, up." She demanded and I lifted her on the bed before placing her between Carina and I. She snuggled close to me as I stroked her arm up and down.

"Did you have a good night baby ?"

"Mmmmmh." She only said, nodding and enjoying the cuddle.

"Baby, I've planned something for your mamma today."

She raised her head to look at me.

"But that's a secret, you must not tell anyone." I winked and made sure my wife was sound asleep and couldn't hear me. I explained everything to my toddler and then she frowned. "And Celeste and Bianca ?"

"I've something planned for you too." I smiled. "You have a masterclass with a famous Italian dancer this morning and this afternoon, the local studio is having a little open rehearsal so you will be able to watch and maybe even dance."

My little girl was happy with that and we cuddled until it was time to eat breakfast. I placed her on my hip and I walked to the main part of the hotel room. There were two bedrooms separated from the rest of the hotel room which was like a living room, with a counter and a huge sofa.

I sat Celeste on the counter and started preparing coffee and hot chocolate.

"Too hot for that mommy." Said Celeste, pointing to the hot chocolate and wiping her forehead as if she was sweating.

"Mommy has an idea then." I winked.

Minutes later, my wife entered the room, her hair all over the place.

"Hi sleeping beauty."

"Morning bellinas." She replied, straightening her hair a bit with her hands.

We kissed and Celeste giggled.

"What ?"

"Mamma and mommy in love." She said sweetly.

I blushed and looked at Carina who smirked. I kissed again my wife and looked at the clock.

"I should go wake Bianca up."

I made my way to their little bedroom and opened slightly the blinds.

"Hi my love." I whispered, sitting on her bed. I caressed her face and kissed her cheek. "Wake up sweetie."

She yawned and slowly opened her eyes, smiling when she saw me.

"You have a busy day little one. Go join your sister and your mamma for breakfast."

"A busy day ?" She asked sitting up and rubbing the sleep off her eyes.

"Surprise surprise !" I teased and gently led her out of the soft cover so I could make their bed.

I walked into the main room a minute after and Celeste was sipping her drink as Carina was hugging Bianca with one arm, doing coffee with the other.

"What are you drinking Celeste ?" Bianca questioned her little sister.

"Mommy made it."

"Can I have the same ?" She turned towards me.

"Of course."

I made another drink for Bianca who looked carefully at what I was doing. "It's only a hot chocolate but with ice cubes and vanilla." I said handing her the glass.

My lover called room-service and they brought us pastries and fruits. We enjoyed breakfast in comfortable silence. Bianca was laying on the sofa, her head resting on my lap as Celeste was still sitting on the counter and Carina was standing next to her, staring out the window.

"What now ?" Asked Celeste when she had finished her breakfast.

"Now you go get ready with mamma, mommy still has things to plan." I explained and Carina helped Celeste jump off the counter to go to her little bedroom.

"Bianca ?" I asked my oldest, her head still resting on my lap as she was staring at the ceiling, but mostly concentrated on her personal thoughts.

She turned her head slightly to look at me.

"Today we're gonna have a couple day with your mamma."

She frowned.

"I want some time with your mamma, to enjoy each other's presence, just the two of us." I explained softly, but seeing that Bianca wasn't fully understanding, I added "It's not a punishment, and it's not because we don't want to be with you and Celeste. It's just that sometimes, when two persons love each other so so much, they need to find themselves alone, just the two of them, in order to appreciate the relationship they share."

Suddenly, her face changed to a disgusted look. "I don't need to know that mom !" She screamed, hiding her face with her hands.

"What ??"

"Your s- your sex life with mamma pleeeaaase !" She whined.

"But I wasn't talking about that at all !" I put my hands up in defense.

"Yeah, very funny." My teenager said.

"So I've planned something for you too." I changed the subject, a bit embarrassed. "Celeste is going to a prestigious dance class but I didn't know what you could like so I signed you in different things. This morning you have a pottery class followed by a group visit to the local help center for wild animals. And this afternoon you can choose two things between a drawing lesson, a theater representation, a swimming class, some shopping by yourself or a photography exposition."

She sat up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"You did all of that ? For me ?"

"Of course baby, why are you still so surprised about it ?" I smiled sadly. "I'm your mom, it's my role to keep you entertained and make sure you enjoy your vacations."

"Thank youuuu !" She shouted and fell into my body, squeezing me tightly.

"Now go get ready and have a thought of what you want to do this afternoon." I winked and she happily left to go to the bathroom.

Author's note :

Here you go ! I know I haven't updated this story for a long long time but I'm getting back to it.

I had this chapter already written but I think I need to read my own story from the beginning because I forgot most of the things I wrote lmao

Take care of you guys x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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