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Author's Note : this is a few parts of a request from @username0448, "maybe some drama with Bianca and the guy in this chapter." Thank you for this idea <3

TW : Weed


Bianca's POV :

Josh answered me the next morning, when Vic was driving me to school.

'I'm sorry to read that. I think I can help you. Is that a yes to hang out ?'

'It's a yes.' I simply replied.

"Who are you texting ?" Asked teasingly Vic.

"Who are you texting ?" Asked teasingly Vic

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"No one. A friend."

"Just a friend, uh ?"

"Stop Vic."

"I'm sorry, I was just joking." She apologized and looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay ?"

I only nodded, turning to look through the window.

"If you need me, just text me, I'll pick you up after school. We don't need to talk, you don't owe me anything. I just want you to be okay." She explained and I quickly thanked her.

I stepped out of the car and waved her goodbye before walking inside the big building that was my school. I entered my first class and everyone stared at me, even Miss Collins, my teacher. When I sat at my usual spot, Chloe and Alice ran to me.

"Oh my god girl ! I'm so happy you're here I thought we were never going to see you again !" Screamed Alice.

"I'm happy your sister is fine." Gently added Chloe. She was the most sensitive one, the nicest one.

"Okay guys, let's sit down." Miss Collins clapped in her hands. When the class was finally quiet, she looked at me. "I'm sure you all know what happened to one of your classmates. I just wanted to make things clear. If your classmate doesn't want to talk about it, don't ask. Be here for them, be nice, but don't overstep. Is that clear ?"

Everyone nodded and she gave us work to do before approaching me. "I'm sorry for everything that happened to you and your family. If you need something, you know I'm here. You're a strong girl Bianca." She whispered and smiled nicely before letting me do my work. Except I absolutely didn't want to do it, my mind was far away from school. At lunch break, I made my way to the cafeteria with Alice and Chloe who kept talking about how they missed me. It was too much. Too much for me. So without saying anything, I turned around and left. I sat on the marches in front of the school, and I felt a hand on my shoulder.


It startled me and I turned to see Josh, Alice's brother.

"Hi. I didn't know you were at this school" I frowned. "I never saw you before."

"I graduated, that's why. But I hang out here sometimes." He grinned and sat next to me.

"Oh, you're this kind of old student who misses too much school that you just walk around it. Creepy." I laughed.

"Fair enough." He joined me in my joke.

"So, do you still feel like you think too much ? I promised you something to help."

I looked at him interrogatively.

"Here." Josh said, taking out of his pocket a weird cigarette. And I knew what it was, I learned it in the serie Euphoria, and I saw that at the parties I did. It was weed.

"I never tried it before. I don't think my moms would approve..." I confessed.

"No parents approve that. That's why you need to be discreet." He blinked.

I sighed, not knowing what to do. I really wanted to try it, but at the same time I knew how bad it was. Except a lot of bad things happened lately, and it was difficult, so I needed something to help me get better. And it wasn't going to hurt anyone else, so, I agreed.

Josh lit up the joint and he handed it to me, explaining how it was working. I listened carefully to him and at some point put the paper between my lips, before breathing in deeply. Suddenly, a burning sensation appeared in my throat and I coughed hard.

Josh stroked my back. "It's normal the first time you smoke. Here, try again." He said handing me the weed again. I breathed in and this time, I didn't choke on it. Instead it felt good, so good. So I finished smoking it.

"How do you feel ?"

"So much better." I smiled, looking at him.

I felt dizzy, but not the bad type of dizziness. I felt light, I felt good. So I leaned on one side and rested my head on Josh's shoulders as he kept stroking my back. The bell rang but I stayed there, and he didn't say anything.

We cuddled for I don't know how long, until students started coming out of class.

"Shit." I stated standing up. "Vic is going to be here any minute. I'm surprised she didn't call me yet. Or my moms."

Then I checked my phone and realized it was dead. "Or they probably already called me. Shit." I repeated.

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