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TW : Seizure, Slight panic attack


Carina's POV :

Maya was announcing to Bianca that she won't see her parents again, and it was already hard enough to attend this scene, but we weren't ready for what happened next. Bianca got very pale all of the sudden and without any warning, she fell on Maya, shaking strongly.

"Oh my god ! What's happening ?!" Maya screamed in surprise and panic.

"She's seizing." I said calmly but loud enough for the nurses to hear. One second after two nurses entered the room as I made my way to the trembling girl.

"Help me lay her down." I instructed my wife. We laid Bianca on the hospital bed and I held her hand to prevent any further injury.

"Two milligrams of Lorazepam !" I shouted to one of the intern who just came in the room. He did so and Bianca started to calm down.

"Good bambina, very good. Big deep breathe. And you're back." I said smiling as she slightly opened her eyes. I shifted from behind the bed to the side to check more on the teenager.

"Bianca can you hear me ? Can you tell me where you are ?" I asked her.

"I- I hear you..." She struggled to say. "I- in hospital." She weakly added.

"That's right. Can you squeeze my hand ?" I demanded while lighting her eyes to make sure she had no brain damage. She gave me a little squeeze and I nodded. "Good. We're going to take you to head CT to make sure nothing wrong in this cute little head." I grinned, tapping slightly my fingers on her forehead.

While the intern and the nurse were taking Bianca to meet Amelia at CT, I turned to Maya.

"Oh bella. You okay ?" I asked, walking to her as she seemed shaken up.

"I- I- she... Car- Carina she-" Maya was hyperventalitaing a bit and I knew well how to react to her panic attack. I made her sit on the armchair and guided her head to rest. I told her to look at me in the eyes as I was drawing patterned on palm.

"Just like that. You're fine bellina. And the bambina is okay too. Keep breathing, look at me, no eyes forward. Good bella, very good." I praised as she calmed down. I leaned to kiss her and then I pulled back, staring at her to be sure she was totally fine.

"What ?" She asked me, giggling. "Why are you staring at me like that ?"

"Do you know how much I love you Maya ?" I confessed.

"Oh babe, you have no idea how much more I love you." She replied, stroking my cheek.

After enjoying some time together in a comfortable silence, Maya spoke again.

"Now what are we going to do with Bianca ?"

"We'll have to talk to her again. Not about her parents but we need to ask her where she wants to stay. I don't want you to be disappointed but you do realize she could refuse to stay with us ?" I tried to warn my lover.

"I know." She sighed, looking down.

"Hey, eyes on me bellina." I said, holding her chin to make her look at me. "When she's back from CT, we'll speak with her. Just explaining our potential plan and then we go from there. How does that sound ?"


"Okay, now I know you didn't have a very resting night, so I want you to nap until she gets back."

"Yes doctor." She answered with a smirk.

I helped her get comfortable on the armchair and put a blanket on her as I did the night before. We kissed passionately before I turned off the light and left the room to let my wife sleep. But just when I reached the door, I turned around to look at her. She looked so beautiful, she was perfect. Oh God, I love her so fucking much, I thought to myself.

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