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 Bianca's POV :

The following days after Celeste's surgery were kind of all the same, except I came back to school, the vacations were over.

Celeste was healed, her recovery was not as difficult as I thought it would have been. She was in little to no pain and was hungry all the time. It was normal considered she was so small and skinny. She needed to grow bigger and stronger, like mommy. The follow up went well too, I was there because Celeste wanted me to and I couldn't refuse anything from my little sister. I love her so much.

But I was happy only when I was with her. Otherwise, moms were very annoying. They kept trying to confiscate my phone but I always found good excuses to keep it, like I needed it in case I fainted when I was alone, or I had to check on my school website if there was new homework.

Anyways, when I came back to school, my moms both had to come back to work as well but with Celeste, it was a difficult situation. Celeste was very sensitive around other people, she had been very reluctant at meetings my moms' friends, all the times they were at our house, she just hid in her room and waited for them to live.

Thanksgiving was approaching and the annual diner at the station was going to be hard for Celeste. So mamma took a decision, she decided she was going to bring Celeste to day care so that she could meet other children, it could be easier than adults, because adults were obviously the ones that abused her before.

So today, mamma drove us to the hospital as Mister Freeman was absent, so I didn't have to go to school. She dropped us at day care but Celeste clutched to her shirt.

"Nooooo ! No leave me Cawina !" She screamed and sobbed.

"Come on bambina. I'll be in the same building. If anything happens, they'll call me and I'll be here in less than two minutes. And Bianca is staying with you." Mamma tried to comfort.

"Look Celeste, there are soooo many toys here !" I teased my sister and she lifted her head from mamma's chest

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"Look Celeste, there are soooo many toys here !" I teased my sister and she lifted her head from mamma's chest. "Let me show you." I added and she agreed to take my hand and go to the play mat, only if mamma was holding her other hand.

But after few minutes of playing together, mamma slipped away and Celeste didn't even noticed it.

She also started playing with other kids, and she met Pru, Miranda Bailey and Ben Warren's adopted daughter. I think they created a quick a strong bond because even if Pru was never abused, she was adopted too. Well personally, I felt a link between the two of us.

I sat on an armchair and took my phone out of my pocket but one of the caretaker came to me and told me my mamma asked them to stop me from spending my whole day in front of a screen. I sighed but listened anyway.

The day went on great until it was nap time and Celeste was getting restless so I crouched next to her.

"Hey, I think you should go sleep in the other room, little Pru is taking a nap right there." I pointed to the dark room where younger children were sleeping.

"No, I want mamma."

"Who ?" I asked surprised of her using the word 'mamma'.

"Mamma ! Your mamma !"

"You mean Carina ?" I made sure I understood right and she nodded eagerly.

"Mamma is working. What about you take a teeny tiny nap and then we call mamma." I thought it was a good idea to suggest her this option but she wasn't having any of it. She started crying and throwing the Lego blocks she was playing with. The caretaker arrived quickly and also crouched next to my little sister.

"Come on Celeste, let me take you to a bed. You'll feel so much better after a nap."

"Noooooo !! Mammaaaa I want mamma ! An- and mommy !" She cried her little heart out and was on the verge of having a panic attack so the caretaker stood up and dialed something on her phone.

"Hi Doctor Deluca... Yes... Everything's fine... You're daughter wants you... No... She doesn't want to nap and she's very restless... Okay... Thank you." And she hung up.

"Your mamma is coming." She stated and tried to console Celeste before mamma arrives.

As she previously said, in less than two minutes later, she was standing at the door frame and ran to us. She took Celeste from the caretaker's arms and rocked her back and forth in order to calm her down.

"Shhhh, I'm her now, I'm right here. Breathe for me, deep breathe. Just like that."

After a little while, Celeste was far more calm than before and mamma kept rocking her in her embrace because she was clearly falling asleep, feeling the warmth of mamma's body

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After a little while, Celeste was far more calm than before and mamma kept rocking her in her embrace because she was clearly falling asleep, feeling the warmth of mamma's body. The little girl's eyes closed slowly and she whispered in a semi slumber state "Mamma..."

I looked up and saw a huge smile on mamma's face. Celeste finally considered her as her true mom.

Author's Note :

GUYS OMG ! I'm going to the First Responders Reunion in Paris in June !! I'm going to see Stephania and take a picture with her I'm crying rn !!! IM SO HAPPY I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT

(it was so expensive but omg how worth it it is)

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