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Bianca's POV :

I decided to wear some light blue jeans and a beige cardigan. It was casual and I felt pretty in this outfit. I waited at the front door for my foster moms to arrive. They appeared at the same time and we headed to the car. Maya really wanted to know where we were going but Carina kept the surprise until we reached the big gates of the local aquarium.

"Is it the surprise ? The aquarium ?" I asked.

"Yes it is bambina. Aren't you happy ?" She said, waiting for a reaction.

"Oh yes ! I'm very happy ! I really love aquarium and I've never been to this one ! I can't wait to see all the fishes and everything ! Thank you mom-" I cut myself, realizing what I just said.

The three of us stay silent for few seconds, Carina was already parked so we were just waiting for someone to say something, and I talked first.

"I'm so, so sorry Carina. I- I shouldn't have-" I started but she cut me mid sentence.

"Oh no bambina, please don't apologize. I- I'm okay with you calling me or Maya mommy. It's just- I want you to be comfortable with it as well."

"I- I think I am. It just slipped, I didn't even thought about it." I confessed, still a bit embarrassed.

Maya, seeing that Carina and I didn't know what to say, took the lead of the conversation.

"Bianca," She said, turning to look at me. "you can call us anything you want. You don't have to decide now. If today it's moms, tomorrow it'll be okay if it's Maya and Carina, etc. We just want you to feel comfortable with it, alright ?"

I nodded, wiping a tear that was threatening to fall from my eye. I missed my mom, I really missed her. But I needed to move forward and these two women were helping me like a parent, so it felt very natural to call them mom or mamma. And they seemed honest by saying they were okay with it. So I made up my mind, I'll wait to see if the slip up happens again, and in this case, I'll call them my moms.

After this little emotional moment, we got out of the car and walked to the big building. There was some big posters of jellyfishes, sharks... I couldn't wait to go inside.

Carina bought two adults tickets and one less expensive for me, as I was a teenager. I was a bit embarrassed that they were paying for everything but I decided not to say something for now, as I had an idea in mind.

We headed to the first gallery. It was big and in the middle was a big aquarium with a lot of different fishes. Some bigger than others, some colorful, some were hiding behind rocks and seaweeds. I was so captivated by it. When I walked even closer to the basin, it felt like I was in the ocean with them.

After long minutes of staring, Carina asked me if I wanted to move to another room. I obviously agreed and I nearly ran to the next hall.

This one was a bit different, there was few little ponds and not a lot of light. You could barely see where you where walking. I didn't really understand the goal of this room until Maya grabbed my arm to capt my attention. She then pointed the ceiling, and when I looked up, I discovered that there was an aquarium hanging to the ceiling, with enormous fishes inside. I was so impressed that my mouth slightly opened but no sound came out of it. Suddenly, there were no more lights. We were in the total darkness and a second later, a lot of colored lamps lit up the room. They were flickering, illumining one by one the little ponds. It was so beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off of the rainbow lights, until I started to feel lightheaded. Oh great, I thought to myself.

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