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Maya's POV :

I don't really know how much time I slept, but I was woken up by the door opening and the light switching on. When I opened my eyes, I was met with Bianca's little hand waving at me and my wife following close behind her.

"Hi Maya." The young girl murmured.

I stood up and came closer to her.

"Hi firefly. How are you feeling ?" I asked her.

"I feel better. I'm fine, it was just my illness playing in my head." She said with a cute smile.

I raised my head to Carina, looking interrogatively at her.

"Can we explain it to her bambina ?" She questioned Bianca, and the young girl nodded.

"I'll try to explain the best I can but sometimes it's difficult." She added.

"I have an illness, it's called POTS, it's the short for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome."

She took a deep breathe as I frown, it was some very big words coming out of such a small person.

"It causes me some symptoms like fast heart rate, dizziness, tiredness, fainting spells and even sometimes seizures. And they're the scariest I think." She expressed in words, then looked at Carina.

"In brief," My wife started, helping the little girl. "It's a condition which happens when you transition from lying down to standing up. Her body can't coordinate the balancing act of blood vessel constriction and heart rate response. This means that her body can't keep her blood pressure steady and stable. It's kinda common but the diagnosis is hard to make so it's not a well known condition."

I tried to take it all in and understand.

"You don't have to get all the scientific explanations bella. Just so you know that this sweet girl has to be well monitoring for a lot of reasons."

"For example, if I pass out I can hit my head so I can end up hurt." Bianca spoke again.

"Oooookay. I think I got it." I said unsure.

"But it doesn't mean I can't have a good life and be happy ! I can do everything I want, I just need to be extra careful." The teenage girl added, reassuring me a little.

"And is that what happened when you seized ?" I asked, and she nodded before Carina made it clearer for me.

"She seized because POTS makes Bianca more sensible, for instance when she hears a bad news, or something that can cause her anxiety." She said, putting her hand on Bianca's shoulder and gently stroking it.

The young girl looked down, remembering of what I've said to her before her episode. And I thought it was the moment to talk to her about the future.

"About that Bianca, we wanted to ask you something."

She lifted her eyes and Carina sat next to her, holding both of her hands in hers. "First, we're very sorry for your losses. We understands how hard it is for you. But we need to start thinking of the future. You're still a little girl Bianca, you obviously can't stay alone. So we were wondering, Carina and I, if you would like to come live with us."

Bianca frowned. "Wh- like... How ?" She asked hesitant.

"Oh cavolo, che idiote. (Oh shit, we're stupid)" Carina unexpectedly said, rolling her eyes to herself. "We forgot something important bambina, Maya and I are together. We're married. That's why we're talking for the both of us." She explained and I realized we hadn't even mentioned it before.

"Would you like to think about it for a while ?" I questioned the confused little girl.

"We're still waiting for the rest of your tests before you can be discharged so you have a little time." My wife added.

"I- well... I- think-" Bianca began.

"Come on sweetheart. You can do it." I encouraged her to open up to us.

"I- I w- would really like that." She finally got out.

"Are you sure ? You don't have to give us an answer now. We don't want to pressure you and if you don't feel comfortable, tell us. We won't force you to do anything sunshine." Carina reassured her.

"I- I just have two questions."

Author's note :

Hi guys ? Do you like the story so far ? Do you have any suggestions or requests ?

I love you all x

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