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Maya's POV :

I knew grief was something very different from a person to another, but as I've already been through it with Carina losing her brother, I thought I would try to help Bianca as well.

"How are you feeling ? We never talked about your parents." I asked her.

"I- I don't know honestly." She seemed like she wanted to speak but she didn't know how to say things. "My mom was the nicest person on earth. She was so soft and I loved when she was massaging me after practice."

Practice ? She never mentioned she was doing a sport before the incident, I thought to myself. I decided to wait and ask her later, or even another day because it wasn't the right time for this kind of discussion as the young girl was finally opening to me.

"My dad, on the other hand, was less tactile but he was very talkative. He always narrated me stories of his life before I was born and sometimes they were so incredible, I didn't know if it was true. One time he told me that with my mom, they were in Antarctica for the holidays and they were having a little trip on helicopter. They were flying above the big mountains when the pilot fell asleep, so my dad had to take the control and he drove the helicopter until they found a little village where people welcomed them by offering reindeer meat. I never believed in this tale until my mom showed me a picture of my dad holding the horn of reindeer next to a helicopter." She laughed remembering the good times with her family. I smiled as well, but we needed to go soon.

"Did you chose your clothes for today ? I think we need to hurry a bit." I said not wanting to pressure her.

She opened her closet and looked at it for few seconds before taking a black long skirt and a dark green blouse.

"What do you think ?" She questioned me about her outfit.

"I think it's perfect." I smiled softly. I let her get change on her own and went back to my wife who was ready to go. It was the first time she was ready before me, and in time.

"How is the bambina ?"

"She is strangely fine. I don't think she realizes yet what is happening today. I mean she knows, her head knows, but her heart still doesn't want to believe it."

Carina sighed and when she raised her head, I saw her glassy eyes.

"Oh my love I'm sorry you have to do that again. I know it reminds you of your brother." I said quickly running to her side and hugging her.

"Yes it does. But it's not what makes me sad."

I looked at her interrogatively.

"It's the bambina, she's all alone. Can you imagine losing both of your parents the same day and having no other family members to remind you of your roots and origins ?" She cried.

"She's not all alone babe. She has us. We're her new family, and we'll remind her everyday who she is and where she's from."

We stayed like that for a little time until there was a knock on the door. We both lifted our gaze at the same time to see Bianca standing at the door frame.

"I'm ready." She whispered.

"Bambina.." Carina sighed and walked to her, hugging her tightly. I looked at the clock and realized we really needed to go if we didn't want to miss the ceremony.

"Girls, I'm sorry but we're gonna be late." I announced sadly.

They both nodded and still hugging each other, they made their way to the living room.

When our coats and shoes were put on, we all walked out of the apartment. Before locking the door, I took three umbrellas, as the weather was declining quickly.

Together Forever - (Station 19 fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt