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Bianca's POV :

I recovered well and very quickly from the nearly-drowing episode at the beach. I was kind of disappointed we couldn't enjoy the end of our last day at the beach, but now I was more preoccupied by coming back to school. In fact, I was terrorized.

"Bianca sweetie, breakfast's ready !" Mamma screamed from the kitchen.

I finished putting some mascara and tried again to plaid my hair, which was, again, an enormous fail. With crazy, tangled hair, I entered the kitchen.

"Oh my god ! Love the new style !" Laughed mommy, nearly choking on her protein shake.

"Oh my god ! Love the new style !" Laughed mommy, nearly choking on her protein shake

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"It's not funny. I couldn't manage to style my hair." I grunted.

"Do you want me to braid it while you eat breakfast ?" She then proposed and I thankfully agreed. Mommy went to grab elastic bands while mamma set some french toasts in front of me.

Mommy was styling my hair and mamma turned to me. "Eat up before it goes cold."

"I'm not hungry." I murmured. "I'm scared."

Mommy finished with my braids and sat next to me before leading me to sit on her lap. I struggled a little at first but soon melt into her soft hug.

"I know you're stressed because it's your first day back since the storm and everything that happened after. I also get that it's a new school and you never really enjoyed school. But just so you know, mamma and I will be here all the way through it. You won't be alone, your teachers know about your POTS, the school nurse does too, and you still have Zola and Sofia as known faces."

I nodded against her chest and she kissed the top of my head.

"After school I'll go pick you up and we'll buy ice creams. I already asked Meredith and Arizona, they're fine if Zola and Sofia come with us as well." Mamma cheered.

I was starting to feel better, they were so good at reassuring me

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I was starting to feel better, they were so good at reassuring me. I brushed my teeth and both my moms drove me to school. Once we reached the gates, I started freaking out again.

"I'm not sure I can do this." I said above a whisper.

"What was that ?" Asked mamma.

"I can't do it."

"Oh honey." Started mommy, stepping out of the car and opening the backdoor. She then sat next to me. "You can do it. I know you can. Do you want me to go through the reassuring things again ?"

"No no, it's okay. I see Sofia." I said looking through the window. Moms stepped out of the car and I did the same, calling for Sofia. She turned around and made her way to us. That's when I noticed Arizona.

Mamma and Arizona greeted each other, I knew they were great friends.

"Hi Bianca ! I'm so happy you joined our school !" Said Sofia enthusiastically.

"Hi Bianca ! I'm so happy you joined our school !" Said Sofia enthusiastically

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"Hello little one, are you excited for today ?" Added her mom.

I politely nodded but inside I was hyperventilating.

"Well, see you later ! Zola and I usually sit at the back of the cafeteria if you want to come with us at lunch."

I waved goodbye and turned to my moms, tears filled eyes.

"I really don't want to go." I cried softly.

"You'll be fine baby. Mamma will pick you up at four pm. It's already nine. You have only seven hours to go. And if something happens, which I know won't because you're the braver girl I know, just go to your teacher and they'll call us right away if needed." Mommy explained.

I simply nodded again and hugged very tightly mommy and mamma, and they looked at me walking to my first class.

Carina's POV :

I felt bad for leaving my daughter in such a state of mind, she looked at the edge of having a panic attack. But she was twelve and a twelve years old need to be able to go to school.

Furthermore, I knew she was a teenager so it was normal for her not to love school. I was just counting on the fact that she was pretty smart and would be interested in the classes.

"Do you want me to drive you to the hospital ?" My wife proposed but as Arizona was still here, I told her I was fine to go with my fellow doctor.

In the car on the way to work, Arizona told me a lot of great things about Bianca's new school.

"There are few parties during the school year. Last year, the Halloween one was the best, Zola and Sofia kept talking about it for months. I used to go to monthly meetings with her teachers when Sofia first got there. They really care for their students."

It reassured me as well, but I still had this bad feeling in my guts

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It reassured me as well, but I still had this bad feeling in my guts. I tried to dispel it as soon as we reached the hospital.

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