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Bianca's POV :

After breakfast, we all got ready and mamma dressed Celeste with the clothes she had the first day because they were the only ones that weren't too small for her. Except they were stained and tore. I was wondering how she could live like that, with only one outfit and why someone never bought her new clothes.

I brushed my daydream off when we parked at the mall. I helped Celeste unbuckled her seat-belt and mommy tried to put her down but she gripped to her shirt so she carried her on her hip.

We stopped at the first store and Celeste seemed distressed. Her face was hid in mommy's neck and she was clearly shaking.

"Celeste do you want to chose some cute dresses ? Look at this one, all sparkly." Mamma tried but she wasn't having any of it, so I helped mamma find some clothes before our shopping trolley was full. We walked to a changing room and mommy got in it with Celeste. Mamma and I stayed outside, waiting to see the little girl trying on the clothes we chose for her. But nothing happened. So mamma opened the curtain and we were met with the miserable sight of Celeste clutching to mommy, her face tear-stained and her frail body shaking.

"She doesn't want to let go off me. Even less try on the clothes." Mommy stated sadly.

"Well, we know two years old clothes doesn't fit, they're obviously too tight but she's too small for the four years old

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"Well, we know two years old clothes doesn't fit, they're obviously too tight but she's too small for the four years old. Let's take her some three and three and a half years old clothes." Mamma compromised and my other mom agreed.

We then went to the shoes store, but for this one, Celeste had to try on the shoes. I helped mamma again, choosing little shoes. And it was so cute.

After a long debate with mommy, my new sister accepted to try on them.

"It's for your little feet Celeste. So your little toes won't get cold in winter."

"No. No shoes." Celeste fought.

"Come on love. Bianca found you a fairy pair of shoes."

"Celeste, if you walk on these ones they'll lit up !" I tried and finally she let herself get convinced.

We finally stopped at the toys store. As we previously didn't know if the new child would be young or not, moms didn't buy toys and games but now, Celeste needed them.

In this shop, she was far more interested in the objects. But still, she felt too shy to ask for them. So mamma crouched in front of her.

"You can chose whatever you want bambina. Do you like jigsaw puzzles ?" She asked, pointing to a colorful box.

 Do you like jigsaw puzzles ?" She asked, pointing to a colorful box

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Celeste shrugged. "No know Celeste."

"You don't know what is it ? You never played jigsaw puzzle ?" Confirmed Mommy.

"No." The little girl responded looking down.

"Well, it'll be the best first time ever !" Cheered my blonde mom, taking the game and throwing it in the shopping trolley.

We came home with at least eight bags full of children clothes, toys... And mamma allowed me to chose few things at the mall so they bought me new books about oceans, some board games we didn't have at home and a new pair of shoes.

At home, we tidied up everything. Celeste was so happy, she immediately took her new dolls out and started playing with them. I joined her because even if I was a teenager, I still loved playing with dolls. I never told my moms because I was scared they would think I was acting childish but now, I had an excuse to play with dolls. I pretended it was only to play with Celeste but honestly, I had the best time.

Mamma entered Celeste's bedroom to tell us that dinner was ready but she stopped at the door frame and stared at us for few minutes, a little smile on her lips.

Mamma entered Celeste's bedroom to tell us that dinner was ready but she stopped at the door frame and stared at us for few minutes, a little smile on her lips

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"Carina ? Are the girls coming ?" I heard mommy yelled in the corridor and she also appeared at the entrance of the room. She immediately smiled when she looked at what mamma was watching.

Celeste was playing with her dolls and inventing stories with them.

"Go bath." "Pwetty you !" She exclaimed, moving the dolls around. "Good doll." "Now dwink dis." She continued playing, not bothered by the three of us staring at her in awe. Celeste was adorable and my moms were right, the games were improving her vocabulary.

I was so happy to have a little sister. But I wish she felt the same for me and I wasn't sure about that.

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