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Maya's POV :

It was already dinner time when we came back home after Celeste's first dance class. I was so happy she enjoyed it and even more when her teacher told us Celeste really had talent. But I was scared to push her, like my dad did when I was younger.

"Dinner's ready !" Screamed Carina from the kitchen and we all met each other there, except Bianca.

"Bianca !! Dinner's ready bambina !!" My wife called again and this time our oldest appeared.

"No need to shout, I heard you the first time." She talked back and I only sighed. She has been back for less than a day and she already found back her odious attitude.

"Celeste, hand me your plate." I asked gently to my baby.

" I asked gently to my baby

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"More mommy !"

"You want more ? You're such a hungry little creature !" I laughed and gave her a new portion of potatoes. I was grateful meal times weren't as hard as in the beginning.

"Celeste, give me your plate." I now demanded my other daughter who reluctantly handed me the empty dish.

"Can I have less than Celeste ? I'm not that hungry."

"Uuuuh... sure." I said, wondering what was wrong with her.

We ate our dinner, listening to Celeste telling us everything about how she was going to become an extraordinary ballerina.

"That's wonderful baby girl. Now eat before it's too cold." Carina said smiling.

Later this evening, Carina gave Celeste her bath and I brought her to bed.

"Are you excited for tomorrow ?" I asked her, stroking her soft face.

"Happy mommy. Vewy happy. I be dancer !"

"Yes my dear love. You're gonna be the best dancer ever." I kissed her pink cheeks and wished her a good night before making my way downstairs. My wife and my oldest daughter were finishing cleaning the dinner table.

"Do you want to come with us tomorrow ? See Celeste dance with her new group ?" Asked Carina

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"Do you want to come with us tomorrow ? See Celeste dance with her new group ?" Asked Carina.

"I don't know. I was thinking of sleeping in the morning, I'm a bit tired." Confessed Bianca

"Oh, okay. Celeste was so happy to show you her dance moves, but it's your choice I guess." Added my wife, a little disappointed.

"Can... can we watch a movie together tonight ? Just the three of us ?" Bianca then requested.

"I'm tired too little one, I'm going to sleep early."

"Me too, sorry love." I completed and even if Bianca looked a little sad, she was the one to close up with us lately. And we didn't lie, we were exhausted. Having to entertain a toddler all day long was hard. Fun, but hard.

So after a quick shower and a big hug to my wife, we both fell asleep, dreaming of our little aspiring ballerina.

The next morning, we were casually chilling in our bed when a sleepyhead entered our room. She hid at the foot of the bed and crawled under it.

"Do you hear something ? I think I hear a little bunny." I teased, talking to Carina.

"I hear it too... What could it be ?" She played and suddenly, Celeste appeared and jumped on our bed.

"Aaaaahaaah ! I tickling monster today !" She exclaimed and started tickling us with her tiny fingers. We played for a few minutes until the little girl was out of breath and she fell on us, cuddling as close as she could.

"Don't fall back asleep honey, you need to get ready for dance class."

"Yeah !" She shouted and jumped out of the bed

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"Yeah !" She shouted and jumped out of the bed. "You coming ??"

"Yes sweetheart." I giggled and followed her in the kitchen. She took her breakfast like a big girl and we dressed her in cute leggings and a white leotard.

I wrote a note for Bianca, letting her know we were coming back just before lunch, and Carina, Celeste and I headed to the studio.

The girls in the locker room were so much older than yesterday. I thought they were going to be maybe two years older than Celeste so six years old, but they seemed like they were nine or even ten. Celeste looked apprehensive when she saw them. It was obvious that they weren't newbies and it was impressive for our toddler, but she kept a brave face.

"Alright girls ! Today I invited Celeste to join your group, because you will see, she has a great level. She will try, see if she fits in." Frankie explained and the dancers nodded and greeted Celeste nicely.

The class started and we watched, Carina and I, how good our little girl was. She really was talented, she could learn a routine quicker than anyone, her flexibility was breathtaking, especially for someone who just started dancing yesterday, and she really seemed in her element. We were so proud of her.

But the best thing was that she was enjoying it, she was finally happy and looked like any other girl of her age, no longer an unhealthy child that had been kidnapped and abused.

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