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TW : Eating-Disorder


Carina's POV :

While Lexie was with Bianca, Dr Robbins talked to us outside the room

"So let me remember what you said to me Carina." She started, looking at me. "Bianca isn't eating since her parents' funerals because it seems like she she's disgusted by it ? And you also told me that she threw up a lot just before stopping feeding herself, is that all ?"

"Yes. She doesn't want to eat, we tried everything but she doesn't even explain to us what she's feeling, if she is scared to be sick again, or I don't know. But I truly think it's psychological more than physical. It doesn't mean that I don't want you to run every test possible to know if there is something wrong with her body." I finished.

"Alright. So for now, we'll make sure nothing wrong with her physically and then, we'll try to make her eat with basic trays of food but if it doesn't work, I'll have to give her a nasogastric tube, to make her regain some strength."

My wife and I both nodded and we made our way back to the teen's room

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My wife and I both nodded and we made our way back to the teen's room. She was all set up, in her gown and already tied to wires. Poor baby.

We sat with her watching TV until Arizona came back with the test results.

"So, there is nothing wrong with Bianca that may cause this loss of appetite. That's why we're going to try now to make her eat a little bit."

At this statement, Bianca's eyes shot wide open and she sat on the bed.

"I already did it today." She whispered.

"You ate today ?" Asked Arizona, frowning.

"N- no. Not really. But we tried." She said even quieter.

"I know and that's great sweetheart. Trying is very good, but actually doing it is even better." And just when she ended her sentence, a nurse came in with a full tray of food.

" And just when she ended her sentence, a nurse came in with a full tray of food

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Bianca gulped but stayed still, there was no way she could escape this.

The nurse put the tray in front of the little girl and left. Arizona was standing at the end of the bed while Maya was sitting on the edge of the bed next to our foster daughter and I was standing right on the other side.

"Come on lovely dove, you can do it." Maya encouraged, but I already knew that she wasn't going to eat with this attitude.

"Bianca, here's the thing. Either you show us you can eat normally, either the doctor will put a tube in your nose, all the way down your throat to your stomach. And I tell you, it's not comfortable at all. It will feed you even when you don't want to with a lot of calories in a brown liquid, not very tasty."


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"Carina..." Maya sighed to stop me. I know threatening the girl wasn't the best way to do things, but it was our last chance.

Bianca looked at me and I raised my eyebrows, showing her I was serious. She then turned to Maya who looked down. I knew the situation was very hard for my wife. She did incredible progresses on her empathy, especially with kids but here it was too much for her, she didn't know what to say or what to do to support me or to comfort Bianca.

When she noticed that no one was going to drop it anytime soon, she pulled the cover off of her body and started to move out of the bed.

"Where are you going ?" Maya asked her while I took a hold of her arm before her feet had the chance to touch the floor.

"Let me go..." She murmured inaudibly.

"What ?" I demanded.

"Let me go. Let me go !"

"No, no baby. You're staying right here." I ordered, making her rest on the bed again. She was so weak and skinny that it was an easy thing to secure her on the bed with my hands.

But she kept fighting, making her even more tired.

"Bianca listen, listen to me. If you don't stop struggling now we'll restrain you. You won't go anywhere, you're too weak. But we don't want you to get hurt so if you don't stop right now, we'll restrain you." I warned sadly but still strictly. I needed to be strict. This girl needed love and softness, but also discipline and firmness.

She soon stopped fussing and looked at me with teary eyes.

"Mamma, mamma I won't eat." She whispered, so tired she probably didn't think of what she just called me.

She then turned to Maya. "Mommy, help me, I won't eat it."

Author's Note :

Hey ! I've decided to add some pictures during the chapters because i thought it would be cool to visualize the real actors kinda acting in my story.

What do you think ? Is it bothering ? Tell me what you think about it and again, feel free to write comments or to let me know what you want to read next :)

Take care xx

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