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Bianca's POV :

We all ran down the hill and let ourselves fall into the soft sand. Maya and Carina set down a sheet and we sat on it. I went to take out my clothes and put on my swimsuit but mommy stopped me.

"Let's eat first." She blinked and I reluctantly nodded. I was hungry but I really wanted to go swim in the ocean. It was one of my dream after all ! I decided not to put up a fight as I knew mommy wanted me to be okay before jumping in the water.

We ate the picnic and it was so good. I kept talking about the ocean and everything I knew about it, even if my moms already heard it all. After lunch, mamma ordered me to wait a little time before going swimming, and she led my head to her lap, stroking my hair. The sun was softly warming my skin and mamma's strokes were so enjoyable that my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

I woke up later, not knowing what time it was.

"Hey little dove." Mommy greeted me as I opened my eyes and scrubbed the slumber out of it. "You had a good nap, you slept for an hour !"

 "You had a good nap, you slept for an hour !"

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I smiled and sat up. Looking behind me, I noticed that mamma was asleep. I giggled and it woke her up.

"Hi my bellas." She smiled as well.

I turned to look at the ocean. "Can we go swim now ?" I asked eagerly.

"Yes baby. Slip your swimsuit on and you're free to go." Mommy agreed and I did so.

Five seconds later I was ready and I waited for mamma and mommy to be ready too. Two minutes later, I held one of their hands each and we ran to the water.

I was happy. It's been a long long time since I wasn't that happy. Well, I think I've never been so happy in my life. My two moms, the persons that willingly decided to take care of me, the two persons I loved the most at this time, and the sea all round me, fishes tickling my feet... God I was happy !

We played in the water for a while, mommy throwing a ball at me, and I was doing the same. Then I started to get tired. Mommy went to swim by herself, I think it was her way to run, but in the water.

I went to mamma who was floating on her back, and when she saw me, she took me in her arms

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I went to mamma who was floating on her back, and when she saw me, she took me in her arms.

She held me like a baby for long minutes as my head was resting on her shoulder and my legs wrapped around her waist. I felt so light in her embrace, and it was so warm. I really enjoyed the skin to skin contact. That was something I didn't know I loved about the ocean, the comfort it could bring to you when you were there with someone you really love.

Mommy came back swimming the crawl like a professional and joined us in the hug. I started shivering after a little while and mamma noticed it.

"Let's get you warm in a towel." She said, starting to walk out of the water.

"Wait, I'm gonna be too heavy outside the water." I told mamma but she shook her head, and she kept carrying me to our place on the beach. Once there, mommy wrapped me in a big soft towel and they laid me down.

"Our little baby." Mommy said and I giggled, being all wrapped like a newborn. It felt so good to be taken care of like that.

We stayed like that for another hour, mommy cuddling me and mamma reading some magazines, enjoying the sun and sometimes checking her tanning lines. Slowly I moved the towel a little and my scar was visible.

Mamma looked at it, frowned and turned to search something in her bag

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Mamma looked at it, frowned and turned to search something in her bag. She took some sunscreen and started applying it on my belly, right on the scar. It was cold compared to the warm sun on my skin so I flinched a little.

"Does it hurt ?" She demanded me worried.

"No, I was just startled by the cold sensation

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"No, I was just startled by the cold sensation. But it doesn't hurt anymore." I said reassuringly.

She kept spreading the sunscreen until it was covering my old wound and after that, she put down her magazine and cuddled with mommy and I.

I smiled to myself, being so happy with my two moms.

Author's Note :

I everyone, thankfully I have a lot of chapters in advance because I have not time to write lately, I have a lot of exams starting the third of januray and the whole week like I have nine exams... I truly hate the French educational system ! I have so many things to learn by heart and honestly I'm kinda panicked right now, I'm scared i'll fail but anyway... Hope you enjoy this update <3

Take care x

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