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Author's Note : there will be a few parts of a request from @Tegzlou14 : "a major pots episode for Bianca. Bianca feels second best to lil sis causing her to withdraw from Maya and Carina. It has effect on her eating, mood, ect and leads to a big episode." Thank you for your request <3

Carina's POV :

Time passed since we enrolled Celeste at the local dance studio. For the last few weeks, she had been practicing four days a week with the competitive group of her school. The first competition of the year was on Saturday and Celeste didn't have a solo as it was her first time, but she had a lyrical group routine with her friends. She was a bit anxious about it, but especially excited.

"Trophy mamma ! I have trophy !"

"Yes, I'm sure you will have a trophy. But you need to do your best for it !" Maya replied smiling.

"Bianca !!! Dinner's ready !" I yelled for the fourth time. "Why isn't she coming down." My wife sighed.

"I'm going to check on her

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"I'm going to check on her." I sighed too and made my way upstairs. I knocked on my oldest daughter's room, but there was no response.

"Bianca ? I'm coming in." I stated and when I opened the door, the room was pitch black. I managed to walk to her bed and turned on the nightstand's lamp. She was completely under the cover, only the top of her head was visible. I shook her a little and she moved but stayed hidden.

"Come on Bianca, it's seven in the evening you can't sleep now."

She only grunted so I took off the cover and she flinched and suddenly sat up.

"Hey ! Leave me alone !"

"Dinner's ready." I only said and waited for her to stand up. When she did so, I noticed blood on her bed sheets. "What is that ?" I pointed to the stain.

"Uh... Nothing. I just had a nosebleed this morning."

I stared at her suspiciously but didn't say anything else because she put the cover back on the bed and walked downstairs.

I noticed that she again, didn't eat half of her plate. I tried to analyze her but for a while, it had been difficult to read her face and her gestures. She always looked sad, and avoided eye contact. So I decided to seriously talk to her after dinner because she was my daughter and she had had some mental health issues in the past, like when her parents died, we had to give her a nasogastric tube. And a month ago, we discovered her self-harming at Vic's place.

She was clearly trying to distance herself from us but I couldn't let that happen. Even if her attitude was the worst, she was very disrespectful towards my wife and I, but also her teachers and everyone in general, we couldn't abandon her. She is our daughter, we love her.

Dinner ended and Maya gave Celeste her bath while I cleaned the table with Bianca.

"Can I talk to you sweetie ?" I asked gently.

"Can I talk to you sweetie ?" I asked gently

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"I've noticed your behavior the past few weeks and I'm worried about you. We're worried about you." I waited a minute to see if she wanted to answer but she didn't so I kept talking. "You're not the Bianca we met nearly a year ago, you're not the Bianca we raised. But we don't know what is happening because you completely shut yourself down. And we want to help you, but we can't if you don't want to." I looked at her but she was filling the dishwasher in silence. "So ?"

"So nothing. Everything is good, everything is perfect." She said ironically.

"What is happening bambina. Talk to me please."

"I- I just feel like..."

"Like ?"

Bianca took a shaky breath. "Nothing. It's okay mamma." She ended and didn't wait for my answer, she ran upstairs, just when Maya came down.

"Celeste is sleeping like an angel." She smiled.

"I talked to Bianca

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"I talked to Bianca."

"And ?"

"And nothing. She nearly said something but she stopped herself and left. I don't know what to do, I don't understand what is happening with her." I stated sadly.

"Maybe she is just a teenager, she doesn't want to spend time with her family and she's grumpy. Like a teenager." Maya explained.

"But she isn't. She is not a normal teenager. I'm scared something is up with her and we are missing it."

"What do you want to do ?" My wife questioned.

"I don't know. Taking her out of the house didn't work, talking didn't work... I'm not sure what she needs right now."

Maya shrugged sadly and the conversation ended. We spent a quiet night and went to bed early.

The next day, I woke up alone in bed. I walked into the living room and Maya was drinking a smoothie and feeding Celeste with cereals at the same time. The little girl looked like she just woken up. Her eyelids were closing and her hair was all over the place.

I kissed her pink cheeks and made myself some coffee.

"Where is Bianca ?" I asked my wife.

"Where is Bianca ?" I asked my wife

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"In her bedroom I guess. I don't think she's up yet."

"She's gonna be late." I said annoyingly and walked upstairs. I knocked on her door but I could hear no answer so I enter it. As Maya guessed, she seemed fast asleep. I approached her bed to wake her up but that's when I noticed something was wrong.

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