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Maya's POV :

Celeste was slowly getting better. She had nightmares every night. Sometimes even multiple bad dreams in one night. Poor girl, she was traumatized. But Carina and I were here to help her.

She was sleeping in our bed since she was back, because we wanted to keep an eye on her, but also because she didn't want to be separated from me or Carina even one second.

My wife and I were both able to take days off after the incident, to stay with her. When our friends were there, she was fine with staying with them, only if her moms were not far. But as soon as the sun was setting and we were just the four of us at home, we couldn't even set her down. She was clinging to us for dear life.

We've met a great child therapist and Celeste had appointments at the hospital often to check on her wounds, and physically everything was fine. Mentally, she was diagnosed with PTSD. Otherwise, her eating was a bit better, so we were grateful for it. And the thing we were the most grateful for was the fact that since she was back, she started to call us 'mommy' and 'mamma'. Before she slipped up a little, but now she wasn't hiding it, at our biggest joy.

On the other hand, Bianca was not okay. Since Celeste was back, she was also scared for her, always checking if she was fine, always worried when the little girl was in pain, or was crying. She was a good big sister, but her concern towards Celeste was beginning to be obsessive. So we decided she needed time out of the house, time out of the trauma and the recovery of Celeste.

So tonight, Bianca packed a bag and I drove her to Vic's apartment. Once in front of it, she started to regret allowing us to bring her there. I took her hands in mine. "It'll be okay baby girl. You know mamma and I are still here for you. If you need anything just call us, we'll be here in no time." I promised and she nodded.

We walked up the stairs to Vic's place and after knocking on the door, she opened it, all smiley and bubbly

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We walked up the stairs to Vic's place and after knocking on the door, she opened it, all smiley and bubbly. "Heyyy ! I'm so happy you're here ! I'll finally spend time with my favorite girl !" She said hugging my daughter.

Bianca smiled a little, but looked unsure. Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at it and read Carina's message. "Uh, I have to go. Mamma needs me to go to the pharmacy before it closes." I turned to Bianca. "Kiss mommy goodbye my love."

She jumped in my arms and squeezed me tightly. "Don't go mommy. I need you." She whispered.

"I'm still here beautiful. I will always be here. You need to take some time for yourself. I love you." I replied and pulled off. After one last kiss, I left, a weight on my chest. Was it really the best idea to take Bianca away from our home ?

Bianca's POV :

"And here is your room. You have a bathroom just for you. My bedroom is at the end of the corridor, if you need anything just come look for me." Vic explained after showing me her apartment.

"Your mommy told me you loved playing board games

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"Your mommy told me you loved playing board games. I have a tone of it, do you want to play ?"

"I- I'm tired. Is it okay if I rest a little ?"

"Yes, no worry here. You do what you feel is best for you. Come find me when you're hungry." She answered with a warm smile and she closed the door behind her.

I sighed and started folding my clothes in a little cupboard next to the bed. Then I sat on it and looked at my phone. I had tons of messages.

Since Celeste got missing, I just stopped being on my phone. My head was full of thoughts all the time, and it was exhausting. So it had been nearly a month since I answered the messages I had. I also stopped going to school, it was too hard. But my moms decided that living for a while at Vic's, I had to go back to school. So tomorrow, I had to affront all of my classmates, who obviously knew what happened to my family the last few weeks.

Coming back to my phone, I first opened Alice's messages, as she was my best friend. She spammed me.

'Where are u ??' 'What happened ?' 'Bianca answer me' 'Im not jocking girl' 'I saw the posters in town... Im sorry girl' 'I hope ur sist is fine' 'tell me how ur doing girl' 'Im thinking abt u' and it went on. I just responded that I was coming back to school the next day and I would explain her everything.

Then I looked at Chloe's messages, and also Zola, Sofia, and other friends, until I arrived at an unknown number.

'Chloe gave me your number, I'm Josh, her brother, the one who kept you warm at the first party, or the one who got you to sleep at the new year's eve... I hope you remember me. I've heard about your sister and I'm sorry. Do you think we could hang out ?'

I stared at my screen and I jumped when I heard knocks on my door.

"Come in." I mumbled realizing where I was, and coming back to reality.

"You rested well ? You've been here for a pretty long time..."

"I'm fine." I said looking down.

"You must be hungry, I was thinking of ordering tonight, what you up to ?"

I smiled a little, Vic was very nice and she was right, I was starving. "Chicken nuggets ?" I suggested.

"Perfect. I'll call you when it's here." She blinked and left the room again.

I breathed and thought of what to answer Josh

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I breathed and thought of what to answer Josh. 'Thank you' ? No, it was too formal. 'I remember you' ? No, it was kind of creepy. I frowned not knowing what to do so I just took my phone and started typing my feelings.

'Hi Josh. I remember. And thank you. I'm fine. Well, I think I am. But truly, I don't feel like myself lately. Everything is so messy and blurry. And it scares me. I think too much, I worry too much, I just want to stop feeling for a while.' I pressed send.

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