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Bianca's POV :

I rubbed my eyes and woke up in a dark room. I turned on my nightstand's lamp and realized I was all alone. Then memories started filling my head. I remembered falling asleep with Maya and Carina on the couch, feeling very weak and emotionally drained from the events of the day. I quietly stood up and when I opened my door, I was met with the usually delicious smell of Carina's dish. I made my way to the living room and Carina was indeed cooking as Maya was working on some papers.

I cleared my throat for them to notice me, and soon as they raised their eyes, they ran to my side.

"How are you feeling little dove ?"

"Did you rest well bambina ?"

"I- I'm fine. I- yes I'm rested. Thank you."

"We all fell asleep on the couch yesterday but we didn't want to wake you up until you're body was entirely ready so we moved you to your room." Carina explained.

"It's okay." I reassured both of them and went to sit on the couch, but Maya gently caught my arm.

"Let's eat a little something sweetie." She said, guiding me to a stool in the middle of the kitchen. She pushed away her files and sat next to me. I tried to distract myself by talking with Maya.

"What was you working on ?" I asked, pointing to the papers on the table.

"Oh uh. Nothing you need to worry about." She answered, obviously stressed by the question. I immediately imagined all the scenarios it could be about.

"Are... are you getting rid of me ? Is it because of yesterday ?"

They both turned towards me.

"No ! No of course not, we want nothing more than to have you with us !"

"Well why Maya is so stressed when I talk about the paperwork ? And why is there my name on the papers and the logo of children protective services ?" I asked looking down at the files.

"Oh Bianca..." Maya started. "Well, we're going to be honest with you. We didn't want to alarm you but CPS are visiting us this afternoon to check on how your time here is going. And when they called us for this appointment, they asked what our next move was going to be. And Carina and I talked about it but of course we don't want to make a decision without you. And we concluded on the fact that... We were ready to take care of you, forever." She finished, a tear in her eye.

"You mean, adopt me ?"

"Yes bellina, adopt you." Carina said, sitting on another tool next to me.

"But you only know me since a week..."

"And it's enough to understand that you're the daughter we were waiting for years." She replied, taking my hands in hers.

I let few tears flood down my cheeks but Maya caught them.

"Look at me baby. We love you. We're ready to make this step with you, we want to make this step with you." Carina said pulling me in a soft hug.

After few minutes of cuddles, we pulled out and Maya looked at me with a little smile.

"Don't you think you can escape from lunch honey."

I whined a little but didn't move. Carina brought a plate in front of me with a glass of apple juice.

"If you want anything ask us baby." Maya added.

I just stared at my plate and my foster moms looked at me concerned.

"You really need to eat Bianca. It's been more than a day your stomach didn't received any food and it didn't had time to digest your breakfast yesterday before you got sick."

"I know. I'm just sacred I'll puke again." I said looking down. Even the smell of the food was now bothering me. I must have made a disgusted face because Carina took my plate away.

"I can make you something else if you don't like that bella. Don' hesitate to ask."

"No, no, it seems really great but I really don't want to eat." I said crossing my arms and both women looked at me helplessly.

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