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Carina's POV :

I prepared Celeste for the night after dinner and she shifted uncomfortably in her bed.

"What is that bella ?"

She only grunted in response and kept moving, getting all tangled in the sheets.

"Help" She whimpered and I stood up to get her out of the sheets. I then laid down on her bed and placed her body on top of mine. "Here." I said, resting her head on my chest.

Celeste kept mumbling until she fell asleep on me.

I don't know how much time later I felt myself being shaken. I opened my eyes to be met with Maya.

"Hi my love." She smiled.

I yawned and with the help of my wife, I managed to stand up without waking Celeste up

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I yawned and with the help of my wife, I managed to stand up without waking Celeste up. I followed Maya to our bedroom and we got ready for bed.

"What are we going to do ? Tomorrow ?" She asked.

I sighed and answered. "We'll get her ready for the day with a good breakfast and comfy clothes and we'll get her examined. I want her to have a complete check up, we don't know what happened in the previous homes..."

Maya turned over and kissed me. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"I hope she will be." I sighed again. "But I'm scared of what we can discover. Not only tomorrow. What she said last time, about her sleeping on the floor, or starving..."

"I know. I also think that she had been through a lot but if we want to help her, we need to let her time to process."

I agreed and gave back a kiss to my wife.

Maya's POV :

The next morning as usual, I woke up first. I was really stressed of bringing Celeste to the hospital so I went to a long run. When I came back, everyone was still sleeping. I prepared the breakfast table and a little sleepy girl appeared in the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. God, she was so cute, I thought to myself before realizing she had been crying.

"Celeste are you okay ?" I asked running to her.

"Celeste are you okay ?" I asked running to her

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"Pee..." She whispered and I looked down to see her wet pajamas bottom.

"Oh it's okay sweetie. It happens." I reassured and placed her on my hip before walking the both of us to the guest bathroom. I cleaned her up like last time and dressed her in little leggings and a sweater. Then I wiped her soaked cheeks. "No more tears baby." I added and carried her to the kitchen, where Bianca was sitting at the counter. She had dark circles under her eyes and headphones in her ears. She was staring at her phone and looked like she has been doing that the whole night.

I slightly tapped her shoulder and she took off her headphones.

"Good morning sweetheart !" I cheered and kissed her cheek. I then placed Celeste on her high chair as she was still so little and gave her her breakfast.

When I turned around, I noticed that Bianca put back her headphones, but I didn't want to put up a fight now so I let her do so. On the other hand, Celeste was playing with the food in front of her, but not eating it.

"Do you want me to help you little one ?" I asked her and she nodded so I fed her until Carina arrived. Her hair was messy and she seemed like she just woke up.

"Look who just slept in." I laughed. My wife pecked my lips and drank her coffee as I was finishing feeding my youngest.

"Doll twoday !" Screamed Celeste, her face covered in jam.

"Yes you can play with your dolls this morning. But then we're going to have a little visit to my work friends." Carina replied and Celeste frowned.

"Doctows ?"

"Yes sweetie, just a quick trip." I said, trying to avoid a crisis.

" I said, trying to avoid a crisis

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"No." She loudly answered.

"No ?" I asked back.

"No doctows !" Celeste yelled.

I put down the spoon I was feeding her with and looked at her with a strict expression. "Firstly, we don't scream Celeste. Secondly, we're going to see the doctor. It's for your health and it'll be okay, Carina and I will stay with you the whole time."

"No ! No ! No!" She shouted even more loudly and threw the bowl of cereals on the floor.

"Celeste !" Carina roared and went to clean the floor.

The little girl was throwing a tantrum so I decided to calm her down because I knew deep down she was only scared to go to the hospital.

I silently got her out of the high chair and carried her to the living room where we sat on an armchair. She was struggling against me the whole time and even started crying. I placed her on my lap, her legs on both side of me and I laid her head down my chest.

"Shhhh, breathe baby girl."

"N- no ! Ma- ya... Ma- ma- maya !" She sobbed in my arms and I held her tighter.

"I'm here, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere sweet love." I soothed.

It took her few minutes to completely calm down and when her sobs had diminished, I asked her what brought her in that state.

"No doctows. Celeste no like doctows, scawy." She confessed, tears still making their way down her cheeks.

"Okay. You know what ? I don't like going to the doctor as well. But my wife is a doctor, and she's one of the best. And her friends are too. I'm pretty sure we're going to see Arizona, she's a children's doctor and I'm pretty sure she's a magician too, because she can make your boo boos disappear."

"Weally ?" Questioned Celeste with her eyes wide open.

"Really." I confirmed and hugged her again.

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