The Paris Convention

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You requested it, a chapter talking about the Paris convention with our fav girls ! (it's very long but I have so much to tell, sorry)

So at first it was like a joke with my best friend, we weren't actually thinking of going because it was so expensive and even if we live in France, we live pretty far from Paris.

But in February, Dreamit (the organization of the convention) added more passes so like ten minutes before, I called my friend and we just didn't think twice before buying a pass and the last extra that was not sold out for Stefania : a photoshoot.

Then we just kept buying extras, each time a guest was announced we bought a pack regular (photoshoot + autograph + selfie). I bought a pack regular for Danielle Savre, Jessica Capshaw, Caterina Scorsone and Camilla Luddington (yes, I'm broke) but Stefania Spampinato's packs were sold out and I was so so sad (but wait for it)

The week before the convention, Dreamit added ONE pack regular for Stefania and there were like 500 persons waiting for it on the website, it was impossible to get it. I was at work so I couldn't even try and it made me so sad. But I received a message and my friend (who also wanted the pack) messaged me like a thousand times and guess what, she was the one who got the pack ! And guess what again, she took it for me *sobbing* because she knew Stef is my favorite... I was so happy I couldn't believe it.

We organized our trip to Paris where we met our virtual besties and it was wonderful. We wrote letters for the girls and prepared everything so we slept for like three hours the day before the convention.

On Saturday we arrived at 7 am and waited until 10 am for the opening ceremony. They showed us an edit and we just sobbed the whole time, I was shaking from the excitement of meeting Dani and Stef ! They arrived on stage and they stood just in front of us (we were on the second row of sits, so close to them) so they waved at us and we made hearts with our hands, it was so cute.

Then the day started. On Saturday I started with my autograph and selfie with Camilla Luddington, she was the cutest, all smiley and very happy to meet the fans ! I also did my photoshoot with her and I asked her for the pose if she could make me dance, so she made me twirl and it was so funny, we laughed a lot, then I hugged her and thanked her, she was so happy and so was I.

In the afternoon there was the Marina panel, and I asked a question to the girls ! You can find the video of my question here, I'm the first one at the beginning of the video, and as you can see, I just totally broke down. (copy and past the link on internet if you want to see, or the video is on top of the chapter !)

(Danielle noticing I'm crying is at 1:10, them checking on me is at 2:02)

So to explain what happened, a staff member was starting to tell people the panel was going to end so they couldn't ask their questions, and I was the last one to ask a question so I was relieved but as I saw everyone before me, my anxiety started to increase. Add to that the fact that I did not eat at all during the con because of the nerves.

The previous week we were in Paris and didn't have any money to eat so we just ate a small sandwich each day. Like I said we didn't sleep a lot so I was so, so weak. A staff member handed me the mic and I asked my question. Then Danielle started to answer it and I did not hear anything, nor could I see. I was clearly fighting for my life and so I started to cry, and Dani noticed it and she was like "are you okay ?" "I just want to make sure you're and I don't have great eyesight so I can't see it" she was just so cute. Then I walked to my seat and Danielle and Stefania kept checking on me for like thirty seconds because I broke down in my friends' arms and Dani mouthed to my friend "Is she okay ?" because I was nearly hyperventilating.

They didn't take their eyes off of me for so long, each time I was raising my head Danielle was like "are you okay ?" and she was making faces like she was not convinced with my answer, what a sweetheart. So here for you another link of this moment : (again, you have to copy and past the link...)

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