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Bianca's POV :

I was so tired, I've spent the night watching videos on my phone. Sofia recently showed me how to use YouTube so I've been watching everything I could. It was so easy and addictive, when your video is over, it suggests you plenty of other videos on the same subjects so you're sure you're going to enjoy them.

I started watching videos about the ocean, as if it was a surprise, but then Sofia sent me links to makeup videos. She said she watched them and ever since she can draw her eyeliner perfectly. So I spent the whole night looking at makeup and fashion videos.

"Bianca ? Bianca !"

I took off my headphones and mamma was standing at my door frame.

"You aren't ready ?! We need to go now !" She scolded exasperate.

I sighed with insolence and mamma approached me.

"Drop with that attitude." She said firmly and left the room adding "We're leaving in ten minutes."

I reluctantly put on some jeans and a tank top under a sweater and made my way to the front door

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I reluctantly put on some jeans and a tank top under a sweater and made my way to the front door. I put on my black converse that we bought few days ago when we went shopping for Celeste and we left to take my little sister to the hospital.

Celeste was very fidgety in the car. She seemed anxious, and I could understand why.

Mamma parked the car at her usual spot and mommy helped Celeste out of the car. The little girl clutched to mommy's shirt so she carried her inside the hospital, mamma and I following closely.

Celeste hid her head in mommy's neck the whole walk to the peads' floor, where we were met by Arizona. She greeted us without talking to Celeste for now, to let her time to get used to the place and the amount of people surrounding us.

Mamma left for five seconds to go change in her doctor outfit, now that she was in the hospital she would check on her patients, but after Celeste's exam of course

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Mamma left for five seconds to go change in her doctor outfit, now that she was in the hospital she would check on her patients, but after Celeste's exam of course

The doctor led us to an examination room and mommy tried to put Celeste on the exam table but the small girl wasn't having any of it.

"Scawy !" She cried in her arms.

"Okay, okay sweetie. I'm sitting with you." Mommy stated and sat on the table, placing my little sister on her lap, but facing Arizona, which Celeste didn't like at all.

Just when the exam was about to start, mommy's phone rang.

"I really need to take that." She whispered, showing her phone to mamma and I. It was the fire chief calling.

My brunette mom nodded and lifted Celeste from mommy, but this time, she sat her by herself on the table.

"No ! No ! Scawed..." She pleaded, making grabby hands for Carina.

"I'm sorry baby girl but the doctor has to examine you and I can't be on her way. But you'll see she's very nice and soft, she's a very good friend and when Bianca was sick, she took really good care of her. Right bellina ?" She turned towards me.

 Right bellina ?" She turned towards me

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"It's true. She's the best." I winked to Arizona and she approached the small girl, who screamed as soon as the doctor was in front of her.

"Shhhh, calm down." Mamma tried to reassure her but it was no use, she was moving away, nearly falling from the table. Mamma caught her in time.

"No more yelling, no more crying Celeste. Let Arizona check you and then we can go do whatever you want." She compromised, and I thought of something. I asked mamma for the car keys and she gave them to me when I told her I had an idea, and it wasn't driving alone.

I ran to the car, and I came back with Celeste's favorite dolls.

"Do- dolls !" Stuttered Celeste through her tears.

I started playing with her to grab her attention from the examination and Arizona started looking at her properly.

"She seems underweight as you mentioned on the phone. I'll have to weigh and measure her, but first I would like to see the bruises you talked about."

Mamma nodded and started to take off Celeste's clothes but she struggled against her a bit

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Mamma nodded and started to take off Celeste's clothes but she struggled against her a bit.

"Come on sweetie, if you help me it'll be over before you know it."

The little girl agreed reluctantly and let mamma undress her. When she was only in her little panties, Arizona took a precise look of her bruises and Celeste seemed uncomfortable. Mamma was gently stroking her hair and helped my sister to lay down when her fellow doctor asked her to.

"I'm going to touch your boo boos Celeste, tell me when it hurts."

She applied a little pressure on one of the biggest dark mark and Celeste let out a cry.

"I'm sorry sweetheart."

But she did it again, and checked almost every bruises, noting things about them in a tablet. Celeste was fully crying and fighting Arizona by now, so she stopped.

"It's all over now. I won't touch them again. Now we'll play a little game."


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