890 33 5

TW : Violence, Death, Abuse, Kidnapping...


Carina's POV :

The police officer was telling me how they discovered the location where Celeste and Lauren were and Maya appeared.

"How is she ??" I lose no time in asking her.

"I don't know... They're working on her right now." She sighed looking down.

" She sighed looking down

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"Your daughter is alive. She's alive and it's the thing you need to focus on." Advised the officer whom we met the first day Celeste was missing. He's the one who commanded all the patrols and managed to find Celeste.

"Tell us. Tell us what happened." Maya demanded him and I nodded, even if I feared what I was going to hear.

"Honestly we won't know a lot until Celeste talks to us. But from what we saw and during the investigation, we understood that Lauren wasn't acting alone. She was associated with a group of criminals who used to rob people and markets. They never kidnapped a child before. That's why we were able to find them, they made mistakes. Now we need to know what they did to Celeste, hopefully it's not that bad." He ended and left us.

My wife sat at my side and we cried on each other shoulders, until Meredith came to us. We immediately stood up and begged her for updates.

"She's fine, you're girl is fine. Come with me." She demanded and we followed her to a peads' room.

"Before entering... Celeste has few broken ribs, a lot of bruises and cuts, and a small concussion. We thought it would be worse, but except for these injuries, she's okay, I mean, physically. But mentally, it's going to be hard." She took a deep breath. "Her injuries are obviously from abuse. It seems like she had been whipped, probably with a belt."

I let out a painful sob at this statement.

"I'm not going to drown you both under too much information. Just so you know, her aggressors did hit her and were violent. But there are no things such as sexual assaults."

Maya sighed in relief, at least, it could have been worse than it already was

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Maya sighed in relief, at least, it could have been worse than it already was.

"You can go see her. She's awake, but probably traumatized." And Meredith let us in front of our daughter's hospital room.

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