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Yuan Yizhi directly invited Song Qing to a private kitchen.

Not many people know this private kitchen, the environment is elegant, the price is expensive, it only serves VIPs, and the taste is quite good.

Yuan Yizhi was very familiar and ordered a few special dishes that he often ordered, and then pushed the menu to Xiao Yiyu, letting him see what he liked before ordering.

Xiao Yiyu was not polite, and added a meat dish and a vegetarian dish. While waiting for the dishes to be served, the proprietress came over and said hello: "Yizhi, you haven't been here for a while. It seems that the business is getting bigger and bigger and busier!"

Yuan Yizhi responded with a smile and said again. : "If you start a company by yourself, you have to do a lot of things yourself, so it is inevitable that you will be busy." The lady boss smiled and said, "Brother Gui, I will give you a free taste of the self-brewed wine that was newly researched last month."

'Okay! The proprietress quickly brought the wine to the table, and said: "Yizhi, you and your children will eat first. I have other guests here to entertain.

You are busy with you. I will call you again if you need it. ."


Xiao Yiyu sat quietly in the chair, listening to Yuan Yizhi interacting with the proprietress. It seemed that Ziyuan Yizhi was quite familiar with this restaurant. Because

there were not too many customers in the restaurant, the dishes were served quickly. Yuan Yizhi saw Xiao Yiyu--sittingly sitting across from him and not eating, he raised his chopsticks and said, "Okay, let's eat. "

Wait a minute," Xiao Yiyu said hurriedly, "Mr. Yuan, I haven't sang Happy Birthday to you yet." With that said, Xiao Yiyu swiftly took apart the cake box, inserted three candles, and said, "Mr. Yuan, I'm going to start singing."

"I wish you a happy birthday, I wish you a happy birthday. Through the yellow halo of the thin candlelight on the cake, Yuan Yizhi looked at the young man sitting across from him earnestly singing the happy birthday song to himself, his heart aching.

In Yuan Yizhi's impression Among them, the last time someone gave him a birthday was seven or eight years ago.

After singing Happy Birthday, Xiao Yiyu hurriedly said: "Mr. Yuan, blow out the candles, blow out the candles in one breath, in this way, all the wishes of the new year will come true." m.

Yuan Yizhi didn't believe that blowing a candle had such a magical function, but seeing that Xiao Yiyu was full of enthusiasm, he didn't want to hurt his enthusiasm,

so after the two of them ate a symbolic piece of cake, they started to eat this one. Private kitchen.

Yuan Yizhi is very particular about eating and sleeping, and has never spoken much at the dinner table.

And Xiao Yiyu didn't know what to say to Yuan Yizhi.

Not to mention that Xiao Yiyu is a generation away from Yuan Yizhi, even if they have life experience, the two are still 108,000 miles apart.

If he inquired about the company, Xiao Yiyu was worried that Yuan Yizhi suspected that he was a commercial spy.

Simply Xiao Yiyu also shut up and eats obediently.

Fortunately, the taste of this private kitchen is really good. Xiao Yiyu's eyes lit up after taking two bites. He couldn't help but sigh: "This restaurant is too delicious! I will come more in the future."

Yuan Yizhi handed over a bottle of wine to Xiao Yiyu and said, "Can you drink?


"Drink with me. "



It's wine. It's not worse than the big international brands. After taking a sip, Xiao Yiyu couldn't help pouring himself another glass. Soon, he drank a bottle of wine and felt completely exhausted. not enough.

"Mr. Yuan, can I have another bottle?

Yuan Yizhi nodded.

Because the food is delicious and the wine is delicious, even if Yuan Yizhi is not very good at the dinner table, talking to Xiao Yiyu, Xiao Yiyu thinks it is quite A good meal. The little surprise is that Xiao Yiyu didn't feel good when he drank this wine. After drinking it, his stamina was huge, his head was dizzy, and Xiao Yiyu was lying on the dining table with his eyes closed. I don't want to move anymore,

After Yuan Yizhi settled the bill, he went back to the dining table and looked at Xiao Yiyu who was lying on the table after drinking too much alcohol. He patted him on the shoulder and asked, "Song Qing, can you still get up?

" Suddenly an idea came up in the mush, and I went home. Then he went home with Yuan Yizhi, does it mean that the relationship between the two is closer?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yiyu decided to pretend to be completely drunk and pretend to be unconscious. The proprietress walked over with a smile and said,

"Yes!" Yuan Yizhi couldn't help him up from the table and stuffed Xiao Yiyu into the back seat.

The chauffeur is found in advance.

The driver asked:

"Where are you going?

Yuan Yizhi patted Xiao Yiyu on the shoulder: Song Qing leaned over Yuan Yizhi's body.

Yuan Yizhi directly reported the address of his home and took Xiao Yiyu with him. Going back to his home.

Yuan Yizhi put Xiao Yiyu on the bed in the second bedroom, took off his coat, covered him with a quilt, and then turned his head and got into the study to continue to deal with official business and affairs.

Xiao Yiyu initially He pretended to be asleep. Gradually, his eyelids got heavier and heavier. He was really asleep. It was a good night. When Xiao Yiyu woke up the next day, he looked at the strange room and was stunned for a while before he remembered what happened last night. , hurriedly sat up and got dressed, walked out of the room, and sighed silently, Yuan Yizhi's house was really deserted.

It was originally a house with black and white as the main color. But it was too deserted, and there was no fireworks at all.

Xiao Yiyu was looking at the living room when he saw Yuan Yizhi walking out of the study.

"Mr. Yuan," Xiao Yiyu immediately lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, yesterday's The wine is really good, I didn't know that wine had such a strong stamina, and I drank too much accidentally. "

It's ok.

Yuan Yizhi glanced at the time and said, "

I'll go too." Xiao Yiyu said quickly, for fear that Yuan Yizhi would drop him.

Xiao Yiyu got into Yuan Yizhi's car again.

Yuan Yizhi drove in front and said, "Song Qing, how old are you this year?" g 7602f8

In fact, Xiao Yiyu met him for the first time before, and we had an introduction to him, but Yuan Yizhi had a lot of things to do every day, and he didn't think about how important Xiao Yiyu was.

"Mr. Yuan , I'm 19 years old this year, and I'm in the same university and the same major as your nephew, Ziyuan He, and both are freshmen!" Xiao Yiyu actively introduced himself again.


After two minutes, listen to Yuan Yi Another said: "Study hard when you go to school, isn't there a judicial exam to take after studying the Fa? I heard that the exam is not very easy. Your family is not short of money, and you don't need to enter the company for an internship so early. Besides, there is not much to learn from a job like cleaning. "These words were taken from Xiao Yiyu's standpoint and considered for him.

"But I want to follow you and learn something from you. For the courses taught by the school teachers, I will borrow my classmates' notes to review them when I go home in the evening. Don't worry, Mr. Yuan, mine. "

Don't do the cleaning in the future. "Yuan Yizhi ordered directly.

After speaking, seeing Xiao Yiyu's mood, Yuan Yizhi added:

Xiao Yiyu's eyes lit up.

What kind of treatment is this?

This treatment is too good!

"Thank you, thank you Thank you so much, I will definitely cherish this opportunity to learn!"

Yuan Yizhi said this unexpectedly, and it makes sense.

Yuan Yizhi drove Xiao Yiyu to the office building.

"Thank you Yuan Sir, I am going to work first.

"You don't have to work, you pack up your things in the company today, and then go back to school and study hard."

"Yes." 910440966

Xiao Yiyu only has an umbrella, a coat and a The charger was quickly cleaned up, and I took a taxi and went straight to school.

In the middle of the first class in the morning, Xiao Yiyu's hungry stomach growled.

He felt that he should do something less today!

It turned out that he forgot to eat breakfast this morning.

If you think about it like this, Yuan Yizhi was still working in the study late last night. When he woke up this morning, he still saw Yuan Yizhi working in the study, so he probably didn't have time for breakfast. It's a pity that running such a big company doesn't even have time for breakfast.

Xiao Yiyu opened his mobile phone to take out breakfast. After placing the order, he ordered another breakfast for Yuan Yizhi. He directly filled in the address of Yuan Yizhi's company. The phone number was the phone number of Yuan Yizhi's secretary. The content of the message is: Mr. Yuan, working on an empty stomach is not good for the stomach, remember to eat on time! Song Qing.

Yuan Yizhi was sitting behind his desk and looking at a project.

Someone knocked on the office door.

After Yuan Yizhi asked people to come in,

what happened?" Yuan Yizhi asked. The secretary said, "Mr. Yuan, the delivery guy called me just now and said that I have a copy of your delivery, and I brought it to you. "

"Put it on the table. '

"Okay." After the secretary left, Yuan Yizhi noticed the note on the takeout, looked at the word Song Qing, and the corners of his lips curled upwards.

When he was busy with work, Yuan Yizhi didn't care. It was common for him to have breakfast, and he was used to it. He didn't expect Song Qing to stay at his house for one night and noticed that he didn't eat breakfast this morning, so he ordered it and delivered it to him. , have a heart.

After that, Yuan Yizhi could receive breakfast from Song Yuan every morning, and it was basically the same every day. The notes are all different messages. The day before yesterday was: Mr. Yuan, I'm tired from work, take a break and have breakfast to rest my eyes. Worship your Song Qing. Yesterday was: Mr. Yuan, soy milk nourishes the stomach, drink more. After drinking soy milk, I am in a good mood all day! I adore your Song Qing.

Today is: 1

Mr. Yuan, I especially like to eat this tea egg, I don't know if you like it or not, I still order it for you, I hope you like it too. Worship your Song Qing.

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